Realy slow growth


Active Member
So this is my first post and instead of an introduction and some pics of good looking plants, it's a question. I am currently growing 4 "tomato" plants <those are legal right?:spew:
They are 25 days old and i think they are growing way too slow of the 2 plants under the HID/MH one is about 4 inches tall and just showing its 3rd set of leaves the other is about 3 inches tall and on its 4th set of leaves. All the growth is really close together so I dont think streching is an issue, the are in a 20% perlite 80% no nute soil that I have started adding a little bit of blood meal too. I see all these pictures on here of plants that were veged for less than month under a couple cfl bulbs and they seem to be doing better than my lil buddies...... What should I be doing to increase growth rate. wudafuksup?


Active Member
What other information is needed? The light is about 20 inches from the plants (I picked this height by lowering the light until I could feel it warming my hand.) and there is a fan blowing on the balast (it is cool to the touch). The fan also provides enough air flow to wiggle the plants just a lil tiny bit. the temp hangs between 74 and 79 degress, the ph of the water is about 6.2, the soil is about the same.


Active Member
Hmm, that is a fair guess. considering I dont have a moisture meter.... They are pretty hard to over water I would think... They are in lilly baskets (just like a basket for dwc) the soil is never wet, only damp. The soil is a moisture control mixture for catus and palm trees and i added perlite. I thought about what natmoon said and relized there was a lot of wasted light, it was really bright in the closet (10' x 10') And i got to thinking what if I can redirect all the light that is just going out into the closet and focus it on the plant.... so now the hood has been rigged to focus the light more and I now have a thermometer right next to the plant it reads just under 80* with the light refocused and lowered, now lets see what happens i guess.


Well-Known Member
I have my 400 watt hps 12" away from the top of the plants when they are 25 days old and 8" away during flowering:blsmoke:

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
could jusbe a slow growing plant, dont compare plants to others, it doesnt get ya anywhere, do you have a reflector or mylar/white walls in your grow room, youd still have decent growth w.o those, best guess is slow growin strain


Active Member
Natmoon: Is that with or without a cool tube? I just lowered the light and The bulb is about 12" from the top of the plant with temp hovering right under 80* But this is only a 100 watt MH Does this sound about right?

Fungus: This grow is in one of those cheap shelving units so the back is the closet wall, flat white, the sides are the shiny insulation that looks like mylar stuck to bubble wrap and on the front there is a heavy white cloth (painters drop cloth) but if i cover the front with the cloth temps start to go into the 90*s....


Well-Known Member
Natmoon: Is that with or without a cool tube? I just lowered the light and The bulb is about 12" from the top of the plant with temp hovering right under 80* But this is only a 100 watt MH Does this sound about right?

Fungus: This grow is in one of those cheap shelving units so the back is the closet wall, flat white, the sides are the shiny insulation that looks like mylar stuck to bubble wrap and on the front there is a heavy white cloth (painters drop cloth) but if i cover the front with the cloth temps start to go into the 90*s....
If its only a 100 watt lamp get it 4" away from the tops and make sure that your fan is blowing onto the lamp and across the top of your plants.
This is the reason for your slow growth not to mention that really with all hids the best results are achieved with 400 watts and above unless you combine your hid with cfls or tubes or both:blsmoke: