realy cant shake this problem


my plants are 2 and a half weeks, and i realy cant get the curling tips sorted, its drivin me crazy my room temps down to 75-77 , ive got 2 fans my intake and my outtake on. also my plants are starting 2 get like yellowy / lighter green kinda like pealin off the leafs, its only very small tbh but iwonderd wat it could be. there in bat mix (all mix) could they need feeding? wat cud it be ive sorted my rh my ph alsorts. couple pics to kinda help

this seems to be my only problem realy need sorting. thnx in advance


Active Member
Very recently I had a coming issue with my plants called N toxicity, my leaves were very dark green, but my leaves had not yet started to curl down.
I was pointed to this possibility and checked for pictures, and they do resemble a lot to what you have.

I got it cause I added an additive for P which also had the N in it, and also had given regular nutes.
My solution was to simply not give extra nute feed and fed normal water for a couple days.
But what i read form other threads having this issue there is a risc that if you have already given the nutes, and start watering a lot, the problem could increase as the nutes in the pot got used as there could be an increased uptake beacuse of more water available.

From another topic I read that higher temperatures increased N uptake, might be an idea to try and keep that in check (aim for a bit lower). (not 100% on this, might be worth asking feedback from some others)


Well-Known Member
If im not mistakin thats just the phenotype.. The plant looks pretty good too me and for some reason i feel thats more common in sativas


Well-Known Member
If im not mistakin thats just the phenotype.. The plant looks pretty good too me and for some reason i feel thats more common in sativas
I kind of agree, it's not that bad. Are you giving it nitrogen? If you are, you might wanna slow down a bit. Overall, things are far from fucked! Good luck.