

Well-Known Member
Here's 1 for the books, a friends brother in denver was moving plants and doing some general maintenance on his grow space.

Dude is a caregiver for 5 people, 3 of whom are long time friends and the other 2 are his cousin and his cousins wife!;-)

Ok so he's got 10 flowering plants sitting in his in-closed patio, and others out and about in different places whilst he's cleaning up after changing bulbs in his grow room!

At some point he notices 2 police officers come over his back yard fence, at the same time his door bell starts going nuts!!:lol: his wife answers the door and there's a cop, so happens there's a person who has escaped from a police car after being apprehended earlier on charges that had absolutely nothing to do with the "dude" in question and police are franticly searching for "bad guy" and looking everywhere in the general vicinity!:-(

Well they (police) find the suspect 2 houses down from dude and all is well, right?

Just so happens that while the police were at dudes house they saw the mmj plants and how many he had!

They ask to see all info, Dudes not worried at all, after all he's played and is still playing BY THE RULES!!!;-)

He shows all correct paper work, theres alot of laughing on both ends even the police and they see he's "legal" and off they go!:lol:

2 weeks later they show up at his front door! long story short, he's busted for growing over the limit!!!! just so happens that 2 of his patients had downloaded caregiver ship change over forms and had reassigned them to a local dispensary, all for a free 1/4:wall: and of course they fail to inform dude of their "misgivings" and go on buying from him like nothings wrong!!:finger:

Now how the "fuzz" found this out, I don't know? I do know that its that simple to do here in colorado right now! 1-download form 2-spend $10 for notary, 3- sign forms over! its that simple! and that easy to SCREW OVER a personal caregiver growing for there "patients"! bongsmilie

Oh and the 2 who did this wonderful thing, HIS OWN COUSIN AND COUSINS WIFE!!! hows that for family?


Well-Known Member
Sounds about right man. You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family. Oh and if you have a bank account you can get the notary for free...


Well-Known Member
You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family. Oh and if you have a bank account you can get the notary for free...:rolleyes:


I have them sign a patient/caregiver agreement. If they try to pull this stunt they are responsible for all cost a caregiver would accure when busted. You must protect yourself and follow all laws. I even made my best friend I grew up with to sign one. They need to send a notice to caregivers when a patient changes caregivers.


Well-Known Member
This is all part of being in the system. You mess up, you can lose everything.

And trust me, everyone messes up sooner or later and they are banking on it. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sometimes family members are the ones to trust the least, especially when drugs and/or money enter the picture.


Well-Known Member
he messed up by talking to the cops at all, tell them to come back with a warrant and stfu.
They do not need a warrant.

He is "legal" and has a sticker on his property. This give the police a right to come in and inspect his "legal" grow anytime they wish.

If he didn't have the sticker, he is still in the system as a "legal" grower and they still do not need a warrant because not having the sticker gives the police permission to walk in your house like it was theirs.

Cheers for "freedom"!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
he messed up by talking to the cops at all, tell them to come back with a warrant and stfu.
I'm sure they had a warrant the second time they came back, although I doubt they need a warrrant at all if they can physically see marijuana plants. The ease of changing your caregiver rights is pretty lame I must admit. They are constantly trying to get my brother to sign his at every dispensary he goes to. It says that you must report any change of caregiver to the DOH and the original caregiver w/in ten days so since it takes many months to finalize tthe paperwork, I can only assume that once you've sent everything in it is official. You would think a more efficient system could be put into place so growers would know if their patients have switched on them.