Really guys after 5 years??????


Not a chance.
"T" promised to never come back.
He wouldn't lie would he ?

Is that fucker flipping me off ?
Ur mom sucks balls.just kidding...what happend to the good old days when u can say just kidding and everything magically goes away?your dad got raped by your grandpa and screamed for MORE.JK
You are welcome to log off and never come back if it bothers you that much.

Are you phishing for a fight? Or you just extremely lonely?
Actually I came to this forum asking for assistance although I have been bashed this whole time, I cen take it so i think ill stay.
Actually I came to this forum asking for assistance although I have been bashed this whole time, I cen take it so i think ill stay.

The rules are simple.. you say something stupid you get "bashed", you say something constructive, humorous or interesting, you will get a response in kind. Kind of like real life, except on the interwebs. Not sure why this is a difficult concept for some people....