really confused and need some help switching over to soil


as i keep reading and searching for for the information i am seeking i am getting more and more confused. and the information is just way too all over the place. is there anybody that can give me a tried and true soil mixture and their step by step process from veg mixtures and flowering mixtures? as well as what nutrients used in the process. im looking to grow 15-20 with a 1000w hps. as i am switching from hydro to this method to hopefully make things easier and more cost effective. but i do not know too much about what is best. and thats what i strive for. any help would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
as i keep reading and searching for for the information i am seeking i am getting more and more confused. and the information is just way too all over the place. is there anybody that can give me a tried and true soil mixture and their step by step process from veg mixtures and flowering mixtures? as well as what nutrients used in the process. im looking to grow 15-20 with a 1000w hps. as i am switching from hydro to this method to hopefully make things easier and more cost effective. but i do not know too much about what is best. and thats what i strive for. any help would be greatly appreciated!
don't be confused make it easy,here we grow,I do not change my soil at all buy fox farm's oceanic soil mix a bag of perlite 10-20% in soil i put in large pots to start no trans plant need I only use mex bat gauno to veg thats it.use fox farms tiger bloom for flower thats all she wrote.good luck and remember this is much easier that hydro,that just my opinion,hope this help clear things up!:leaf::-P


i have read a lot about the oceanic soil being too hot for clones or seeds, do you at all have any problems with it?
and how long after you start to use the oceanic mix do you need to start adding guano to the equation? is 2 or so weeks good enough for them to have used what was already in the soil?