Really confused and could use some direction with 'supercropping'?

The most common misconception of bud growing. I have friends that strip every single leaf 3-4 weeks into flower and pull so much weight its mind boggling. But everyone has their own way and whatever works for you works for you.
Bull shit. Show a pic.

Pics or it didn't happen. That's the rule here.
First of great looking plant great way you have grown her out so far good color,great genetic's super lemon haze ukie ja bookie strain (nice)

Don't bother adding a table,i aint read all the thread,but i would add a table when you flower set it about 6" above the plant's once there through the table then you can start to keep tucking the tops under the netting during the first 3/4 week stretch this will give you time to fill in the table,if you add a table during veg like some growers do it will mean that you have to double table,waste time just add the table during flowering,Ya have done well though looks great dude.

Strip them bottom's off early in flowering,i do it just before i flip them,This time i have left the bottom's on because i was out the country for a few week,and,it was around week 3 when i got back into flowering so i just left them on,I still put them to use,in hash and oil use,but its not ideal,i all ways normally take them off,and i don't count the bottom growth in the end weight,i only count the dense bud's has weight.

Has for temp's has long has the plant look's happy it will be fine,but you need the humidity to be around 50/55% if possible any higher than 60 % then i would look into getting something to sort it out,Never take any leaf growth of the plant's un-less like i have said above its the bottoms your stripping to kick the growth out in the plant top's,just tuck any leaves under any bud's that you have going once flowering gets to that stage,but never take healthy leaves off .

peace jha bless
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First of great looking plant great way you have grown her out so far good color,great genetic's super lemon haze ukie ja bookie strain (nice)

Don't bother adding a table,i aint read all the thread,but i would add a table when you flower set it about 6" above the plant's once there through the table then you can start to keep tucking the tops under the netting during the first 3/4 week stretch this will give you time to fill in the table,if you add a table during veg like some growers do it will mean that you have to double table,waste time just add the table during flowering,Ya have done well though looks great dude.

Strip them bottom's off early in flowering,i do it just before i flip them,This time i have left the bottom's on because i was out the country for a few week,and,it was around week 3 when i got back into flowering so i just left them on,I still put them to use,in hash and oil use,but its not ideal,i all ways normally take them off,and i don't count the bottom growth in the end weight,i only count the dense bud's has weight.

Has for temp's has long has the plant look's happy it will be fine,but you need the humidity to be around 50/55% if possible any higher than 60 % then i would look into getting something to sort it out,Never take any leaf growth of the plant's un-less like i have said above its the bottoms your stripping to kick the growth out in the plant top's,just tuck any leaves under any bud's that you have going once flowering gets to that stage,but never take healthy leaves off .

peace jha bless

Boy, sure wish you had posted this 5 min. earlier as I cleared the plant of a couple dozen leaves. I figure I'll let it recover for a week or two then move forward towards the flowering. I'm attaching a photo and I'll tell you ahead of time that the plant looks pretty beat up but that's because I crushed a number of stems to bend branches.

Really appreciate your description on the placement and use of the table. For whatever reason it gave me a clear picture on what I have to do to use it properly.

As for the strain (Super Lemon Haze) it came as a freebie with a seed order I placed for some Pineapple Express (which the seeds are chilling for now). To say I'm pleased with it would be a severe understatement, especially seeing that I ruined the first crop off the first growing. I didn't know you're not supposed to mist during the flowering stage, which I did once when I was flushing prior to harvest. Basically I washed away the majority of trichomes, talk about feeling sick. Even after that screw-up I ended up with some really potent buds, potent enough that I actually cut my brownie size in 1/2 the norm. I can't begin to imagine what a successful grow will produce, but I have no doubt I'll have a smile on my face... scratch that... make it a hardy grin.

Peace and Bless


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As to the leaf issue, I am going to open it up some as this plant is so dense the light isn't penetrating. Even though the plant is only 6" tall it is really dark underneath and the only light that gets to the bottom is what 'bleeds' in through the side. It also will allow the plant to breathe some, which is something else that confuses me. I'm getting droplets of water appearing on the leaves out of nowhere and the majority of it is where the the leaves are overlapping.

The area is 2'6" X 4' X 8'. As with so many other things in life, when it comes to the 'stretch' I'm clueless.
Yea if you're having moisture problems you should thin it. But don't be fooled into thinking pulling leaves off is going to increase your end weight