Really bad leaf curl!!


Active Member
Medium- rockwool 6x6 cubes
co2 1300 ppm
room temp85
ph- 6.0
Problem- its the second week of flowering and this saliva dominant strain is showing really bad leaf curl and bigger fan leaves are yellowing/dying off. I'm currently not watering them until I find the cause of the issue as they aren't taking up much water anyway. This problem is getting worse since I just transplanted them on top of a 4 inch rock wool slab that was soaked in pre ph'ed solution. The issue is going to be something in the medium because I have these same strain in coco pots doing beautiful but this is my first time trying these on a flood table with rock wool. Hopefully I can find the problem before having to scrap them because i see no point of growing these out full flowering If I can't find the problem leading to shitty/stringy buds. Please help!! lol, thanks.




Well-Known Member
So sorry to see this! Those look like nice starts for only their second week too! You mentioned pre ph'd water. Are you sure you aren't adding nutes or over nuting them?? They look completely stressed and in the one pic with the yellow spots, almost diseased! Oh I feel for ya bro! I'm not sure what the problem is, but the best thing to do for them is to run some clean, 6.2 ph'd water over the rockwool and try and flush them a bit. They definitely aren't being over-watered. Afrer that, let them sit on a tray for a half day or so and repeat. I'm not sure from your original statement how you are watering your plants, but even tho rockwool can be used to start soil, I'm gonna assume you're hydroponically feeding your plants. If thats the case, try sanitizing your equipment and maybe (i know it sucks) throw them back in veg for a couple weeks to let them recoup and starting over. Its better than totally scrapping! Good Luck Buddy!


Active Member
you have temps of 85 and co2 and you aren't watering???????? give em water like now!!! that necrosis is from ph and lack of nutrition made worse by lack of water. You sir I would say have a borage of nutrient deficiencys. Start foliar feedling something like superthrive or advanced nutrients B-52. Fox farm Tiger Bloom is a great foliar. I have grown monster casablanka oriental lilly's with just foliar of Tiger Bloom and they could be smelled 60ft away outdoors. I have to say I have never used it on cannabis.


Active Member
ok i will start watering them asap. I guess i'm just so used to coco, when i see the rock wool feeling damp, i feel like they are good on watering. Its only one strain out of 4 different ones so I don't see the point in throwing them back into veg. I already have a few other strains that have been in veg that I could replace them with if they don't recover so we will see. I will set a 5 minute watering cycle 3 times during a 12 hour period to see if they start doing better. Maybe even add some h2o2 for any dead organic matter in the root medium??


Active Member
absolutely H202 will help with dead material only if there are nasties ie R. solani but in order to actually turn that decaying root mater back into a usable and safe for of nutrition you have to have a divers microflora population. And trichoderma hazarnium strain T-22 is the primary one I would use as it also helps to initiate the plants natural SAR to increase natural disease/stress resistance. Its very aggressive in attacking patheogenic microbes. Also I would suggest the use of Aquasheild, excellent bacterial/enzyme product. It aids in the decomposition of organic material and futher adds to the micro herd. It helps eliminate any nasties will working symbiotically with the good microbes encouraging there dominance. Other than that H202 is an excellent source of 02, but will kill any microbes good or bad. If your in doubt on the moisture content and are setting up timed watering cycles, to prevent overwatering and potential of root then get a moisture meter. Tho not 100% accurate they really do help in addition to paying attention to your plants response.


Active Member
I am not familiar with what the trichoderma strain t-22 is, would this strain of trichoderman be in Xtreme Gardening's Mykos wp? I hope the h2o2 won't kill the Mykos. I do have some hygrozyme laying around as well. Would all three- the extreme gardening's mykos, h202, along with hygrozyme work well or would some of the products be self-seating or incompatible with one another in some how- or will they synergies well with each other?
thanks again


Well-Known Member
room temp85
...leaves are yellowing/dying off....

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View attachment 2879354
85 degrees with CO2 or not, how hot did it get MAX in your grow room 7-10 days ago? I am betting 92+ at your plant tops [temp gauge near your plant tops?]...
I suspect, two weeks ago, your room went out of control hot for a few hours, and the bad looking plant had less remaining water to cool it's roots, and I think, you cooked the roots.
They are not up taking water= this stage [your pix man] just cut um, dry um, and that's it...
Sorry, those plants will not recover...and yes, I have had that happen to me... this year, when an AC unit failed early in morn, and temps went over 94 f for a bit... Me CO2 yes... and I lost the plants that DID NOT get watered the day before....
Sorry man, I wish you Good Luck in your future grows...


Active Member
Damn. the other strains on the table are doing fine- it seems like the strain with the biggest root system was affected most, it was also the saliva dominant one. Well it seems like your answer would make sense. Biggest root system being affected the most because it needs more water- they aren't totally wilted. I think I might wait a couple days to see if they make a drastic recovery- if i don't see improvement i will definitely take those ones out. Its a shame too, at least i have a couple other ones in coco that are doing more than beautiful not a single problem with those. Maybe i should have made the switch to rock wool on a smaller scale. Oh well you learn by making mistakes i suppose. Rockwool is definitely less forgiving than coco is. I just needed something less messy. I think your right SAND, these guys might not even be worth the time energy and more importantly space. Especially if something like this will in now way produce a great quality bud at the end of its flowering cycle. I hate settling for something I know will turn out not as good as it could have. going through the whole flowering cycle knowing your crop is deficient in some way due to a very early issue in the first few weeks. I do have some in veg that i could replace that space with. It just sucks bc I won't be able to connect them to the drip system on the flood table that the rest of the rock wool cubes will be connected too :/