Realistic yield 6 sweet cheese 600w cupboard grow


Active Member
Hi guys any1 know what i should realistically yield from 6 sweet cheese in my cupboard under a 600w hps,they are 24 day old cuttings and about 4" tall,i plan to veg them for another 3 weeks and then switch them to 12/12, is this a good idea? Any1 got any advice how to make sure i get the most i possibly can from these little beauties ?????


Well-Known Member
Well I how tall is ur grow area? Cause ur plants are going to double at the very least in flowering. So vegging for another 4 weeks might not b ideal. Under 600w u should get a decent yeild, how much are u expecting? What kinda of system? There are a lot. Of things that go into determining yeild, a picture or two would help


Active Member
My grow area is about 6 and a half ft high,im just using soil i got plagron grow mix which has 3 weeks worth of food in it,i was told to use canna nutes by my friend who is a long time grower,i hope to yield at least an oz off each plant,does that sound realistic? This is my first real grow,i tried a tent grow befire but things kept getting in my way so decided ti stop,ill try and get some pics up later if my phone will let me and my babies are sleeping at the moment


Active Member
There really are too many variables to get a real idea.. The rule of thumb is pro growers getting 1g/Watt... Us mediocre guys.. I'm seeing about .6-.7g/Watt.. Still testing things myself (=.. So 600w... you're looking about 400g's if things are decent. But again, all it takes is a couple of days to screw things up. Best of luck though (=


Active Member
Thanks for the input,ill be 1 happy bunny if i manage to pull that amount off my babies :) fingers crossed