real worms?


Well-Known Member

quick question.

mixing up some soil today and found a bag of manure from a while back. it's turned into a really nice texture with bits of plants etc growing off it. i wanted to use some of it as i guess it's full of nutrients however it is crammed with worms.

would they damage/help my plants at all?



Well-Known Member
Most of the time worms will loosen and fertilize your soil, if you have enough room for it to move around? and to keep living...good luck :)


Well-Known Member
i'd imagine they would help your plants if there the everyday garden worm, they eat dead and rotting matter and also let your plantss roots breath. god knows what else could be in there too though.


Well-Known Member
i found a worm in my soil after i watered my plants, i kinda flushed it out (that how i found it, freeked me out at first, i'm gonna get rid, just the thought of a worm sharing my plants soil ewwwww...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Worm castings (poop) is GREAT for soil.... probably the best fertilizer there is for soil. They don't call it "black gold" for nothing ;)


Well-Known Member
i found a worm in my soil after i watered my plants, i kinda flushed it out (that how i found it, freeked me out at first, i'm gonna get rid, just the thought of a worm sharing my plants soil ewwwww...
"just the thought of a worm sharing my plants soil ewwwww..."

Now, I don't care who you are - that shit's funny, right there! ROFLMAO!

Dude - worms are in the soil evevrywhere (if you're lucky!). They are the gardener's best freind.


Well-Known Member
i know that but, when i mixed my soil there was nothing, and i've been through it many of times and there was no worms, just stoned and got paranoyed how it got there. hehehehe
are there anymore?? what elce is living in my soil??

crrraaazzzyyy shhiittt maaannn