Ready to Harvets?? Mi5 67 days old


Well-Known Member
Im thinking of pulling her on saturday that would be 70 days and i dont have a microscope so just by how she looks


Well-Known Member
looks around ready. if you want to be sure then grab a microscope off ebay for a few bucks and look at the trichomes. you want a bit of amber, with mostly cloudy, and hardly any clear


Scientia Cannabis
no. way to early. check out forum "Harvesting & Curing"
I think he's in that forum ^^


That picture isn't really good enough to give you a proper answer.
All I can see is a vague calyx and some vague colour.

I'd recommend you get a microscope or a loupe.
They are very inexpensive and they will ensure you get a proper harvest.
It's probably the best investment you can make for your grow.

If you have doubts about what you should be looking for in regards to the trichomes, check out this thread:


if your not going to use a scope wich would deffinately be the way to go then look at the pistil color and wait for 75-80 percent red, and watch to see if buds are still growing or seem to hae stopped.