Ready to harvest..??? pics inc..


Well-Known Member
You will need a magnifying device to see your triclomes,another way is if the pistils are about 80%brown then its about right
cheers bifter


Well-Known Member
dude why the droop? how hot are those plants? how often r they watered?
Not too sure but I gave them a load of nuts a couple of weeks ago, now I'm only using plain water...

I water quiet often or when the soil is dry..
Heat isn't a problem, in fact its too cold in my grow room....


Well-Known Member
how long have you been flowering them? to me going by pic 2 about 2 moor weeks? and thay look very good,,


New Member
This totally isn't my department BUT I HAVE to agree with fdd. They don't look nearly ready. Those colas haven't even joined up yet and the leaves should become WAY more resiny. Most of mine look like that and I know they have a LONG way to go. Luckily I have one that will be ready in about 2 weeks.

I know the waiting really sucks but it's really worth the wait.
All of my outdoor grows I have picked too early, mainly because of the timing, as I was growing on farm land and it really isn't worth it. Wait it out 'till they're ready.

The pictures are kind of blurry but it does look like it will be some good smoke. :blsmoke:
Happy growing.
looks about half-way to me.


Well-Known Member
I dont mind the waiting game, its just that i dont want to wait to long and miss the time when the plants are most potent..

Gonna take better pics of them and post them up soon... as some leave are turning yellow..????


Well-Known Member
Here is another pic, not a great pic again in till i get my hands on a camerea, plant in the middle is losing her leaves (turning brown and falling off) is this normal...?
I let them grow far too long, it was my first time also i was away from my grow room for two during vegging..

Anyway, any helpful comments welcomed..



Well-Known Member
From what I can tell your plants look to be about where my plants are at (It hard to judge from the pics) and they are about two weeks away from harvest. Waiting is better then an early harvest if possible