Ready.. Steady.... GROW ! .... Vento's First Grow journal 18/06/10


Well-Known Member
the first grow is always the one that you pay attention to every tiny little detail, even if its nothing. :weed:
So true mercury i remember my first grow i stressed out about everything. They guy at the hydro store new what i was growing and he was like. Dude chill your taking all the fun out of it. And i was stressing about every little thing about it that i was forgeting to enjoy my grow.


Well-Known Member
So true mercury i remember my first grow i stressed out about everything. They guy at the hydro store new what i was growing and he was like. Dude chill your taking all the fun out of it. And i was stressing about every little thing about it that i was forgeting to enjoy my grow.
i guess its just the way of the first grow, everything is exciting, and if something changes... we freak out. :p


Well-Known Member
Update comming Later today :)

Babys seen to be recovering and i have my new cabinet , Will fit it all together and wire it and post some pics :)


Well-Known Member
Ok first of all , I'm sorry i have not been here over the last week's , In short , Life has been CRAZY ! I will not bore you with details as this post might turn into one of them silly " My life " Blog's you see on TWATTER ! ...Bottom line ... Not enough hours in the day ..and a list as long as my arm of " THING'S TO DO "

But i'm back now !

I'm planning an update on my grow with LOADS of pics for later today , But while your waiting ( like your actualy waiting or care lol ) i will post a few cutting from my " Other forum" about my adventures at the Canna Cultivation Seminar Last week :)

Hope you enjoy :)

Ok Canna tell you a bit about Sunday ?
.. "Sorry ...I just Canna Resist the wordplay hehe "

I really want to go into detail about the WHOLE day ... But this story takes some telling ...such a lot to say ...But i will try and give you an image of the day and as much info as i can .

First of all , I would like to thank the guys from Home Hydro for having the good sence to invite me
, We all had a great laugh and totaly enjoyed the whole experience , They are so dedicated to getting things right and being all they can be to make things better for the customer that it inspires me to want to help them as much as i Can-na

Thank's guy's .. Your ALL awesome !

Sunday was the LONG awaited day for the Canna Cultivation Seminar In Oxfordshire .

The whole thing lasted all day and well into the night , Signed in at around 1 pm and finished at around 9:30 PM

Only one word to discribe it really .... Priceless !

The whole thing was top notch from start to finish , If you get a chance ( or if i can get some tickets sorted out for you ) ... I TOTALY recomend that you try and get to one of the seminars ... It was Amazing ! .

The Location was a bit more up market than im used to
,The Four Pillers Hotel was pretty posh , They layed everything on , Of course Canna are paying for it all ... I can only imagine it cost them a small fortune
... Just a shame i don't drink ...or i would have been blitzed

So ..Location was sorted .. Food and drink and tables full of Canna Lighters that everyone was filling pockets with

That brings me to the other guests , Lots of cool dudes ... Clearly all very shy to begin with ... But as the day went on ...some stayed shy

They all seemed very clued up and motivated to get the best out of the day . Shop owners and co-workers as well as company reps from wholesale .

After some light refreshments and a few pockets full of Canna lighters in the courtyard .. We was all called into the confrence rooms , The tabels all set out with Canna related info packs , pens , Seminar Guidebooks and notepads for keeping track .

The Canna "Marketeer" Karin Brinkman gave an introduction and set the ball rolling for Pieter Klaassen BSc

Pieter was VERY informative , He broke the whole growing process down into chunks and focused on each section in great detail , His manipulation of the english language made for some very funny moments , But make no mistake .... This guy knows his stuff !

The breakdown of the keynotes was as follows .

1 ,Photosynthesis :

The Bioligy Of Plants
Growth = Production
Leaf Index ( LAI )
Production Of Leaves & Flowers

2 , Micro Organisms & Additives

Micro Life ( Video )

Bactiria / Acitinomycetes / Fungi / Yeast / Viruses
Trichoderma - Mychoriza

3 ,Function ( Of Plants )

The Start Process ( Video )
Root Area ( Video )

Pieter Then went on to explain how the Canna range aid the process in great detail , Dispeling myths and showing data to back it up . He explained how the micro life can be managed to aid the growth cycle and how best to balance between positive and negative micro organisms
He went on to explain how Substate Parasites have negative effects on overall growth by absorbing sugars , Obbstructing water transport and nutrient uptake , Killing Positive Micro life and the breakdown of substrate to upset the ballance of the growing medium .

He covered the effects of Pythium and Fusarium and how to avoid them .

4 , Climate Control

Yeild & Quality
Plant Genetics
Plant Health
Max Results

Stomata Process
Assimilation.. Root preasure > Transportation

How to increase Transportation potential

Positive " Stressing "
Negative " Stressing "

Harvest time ...." We all waited with baited breath for this part "..... But it comes down to personal prefrence and no real " Perfect " time , Its about reading your plants and watching the many signs im afraid
Pieter discribed it as driving a car with many steering wheels ... Yopu just have to keep the car as straight as you can by correcting the steering and keeping the ballence right .

For you just reading this, It might not seem to detailed ... But each section was covered in massive detail ( i just don't have the time to fill in the gaps

We stopped for breaks between the sessions for talks on how to manage Business , this section never really involved me and a lot of it i kind of allready knew , However , The Chappy giving the talks was very entertaining and clued up ... But i was there for the Science

We allso had a really nice ( 4 Star ) dinner ( Lot's of choice ) , Washed it down with some free beer and wine ( Tea for me

At the end of the night , Canna Marketeer Karin Brinkman asked us all to fill in a short questionaire on our thoughts of the day ( ALL positive for me ) She then collected them and used them as " Raffle Tickets " for prizes ! ... Lots of cheering and clapping as the prizes wizzed out

MASSIVE Canna Bean Bag's made to look like Canna Coco and Pebble bags , Posters , Calenders ..... I WON A BEAN BAG !
YAY , I donated it to the Home Hydro guys as they really deserved it and from talks we had durin the day i could sence they REALLY wanted one
... To be fair ... they did give me the 2010 Canna Calender ...Lot's of boobies a fair trade

Karin then told us that we are all to recive a goodie bag ( I never got one
) and a nice Canna Flice Jacket .... AND a Framed Certificate to acknowlage our our attendence to the Canna Cultivation Seminar ( Im pretty proud of mine ... i don't win much

It Kind of decended into chaos at this point ... People grabbing and pushing othwers out of the way to get to the goodies ...Not the best part of the day for me really ... But i don't let it spoile the rest of it

I did however manage to Grab Two jackets , One i gave to one of the Home Hydro Guys as he was a bit upset that people had all steamed in and grabbed them all up ...The other i will be giving to a lucky member of The Green Room Yay ( More about that below )

So to sum up , The day was fantastic from start to finish ( except for the excited mobs grabbing all the freebies ) ... IF you get a chance to attend one of the seminars ... DO IT .... I Canna Asure you it will be well worth your while

Ok Guys , Thats just part of the post ... But i think you get the idea :) , If you have any questions , Feel free to ask :)

I'm goonna do my best to get a nice little update sorted for later this afternoon , My first Grow is comming on really well and is in its final stages , I have allso made a start on my second grow and set up my cloneing station and taken pics :) ( It's Grand Prix weekend .. so im time retarded again lol )

Hope your all having a great weekend :)

:peace: V


we started at about the same time and i harvested why is it taking u longer and where are the pics of the harvest if its been done i would love to see. i would have posted stuff myself but i dont know how to do it or make a journal


Well-Known Member
we started at about the same time and i harvested why is it taking u longer and where are the pics of the harvest if its been done i would love to see. i would have posted stuff myself but i dont know how to do it or make a journal

Hi ya :)

Update comming soon :) ... The grow has finished and i have a load of pics... just finding it hard to get the time to update ... stay tuned :) oOBe :) , Yupp i got the cab sorted to ... have pics ..and it really does a geat job ...solved a lot of space problems and the plants love it :)

Aiming to get the pics here within the next day or so :)

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
Hi ya :)

Update comming soon :) ... The grow has finished and i have a load of pics... just finding it hard to get the time to update ... stay tuned :) oOBe :) , Yupp i got the cab sorted to ... have pics ..and it really does a geat job ...solved a lot of space problems and the plants love it :)

Aiming to get the pics here within the next day or so :)
Awesome, looking forward to seeing it.


Active Member
Just read the full thread , took me a while being dyslectic nall , ...
All I can say is WoW ... You have done a great job from the start ,
that grow room just looks like a place I want to sit all day and inhale that beautiful aroma ,
loving the box you made :D , as you know I am just starting out I JUST HOPE my girls turn out the way yours have BEAUTIFULLLL .
By the looks of things you have been a busy man , but I guarantee it as all been worth it ,
keep up the good work mate , I have learned a few tips here and there reading there the thread.....

get these pic's up pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ......


Active Member
Hi ya :)

Update comming soon :) ... The grow has finished and i have a load of pics... just finding it hard to get the time to update ... stay tuned :) oOBe :) , Yupp i got the cab sorted to ... have pics ..and it really does a geat job ...solved a lot of space problems and the plants love it :)

Aiming to get the pics here within the next day or so :)

Pics, pics, pics.........................:-P


Active Member
Hi ya :)

Update comming soon :) ... The grow has finished and i have a load of pics... just finding it hard to get the time to update ... stay tuned :) oOBe :) , Yupp i got the cab sorted to ... have pics ..and it really does a geat job ...solved a lot of space problems and the plants love it :)

Aiming to get the pics here within the next day or so :)

Its ok if they have all died ... we wont laugh haha ,..... come on show us the finished productt :D