Ready or Not


Well-Known Member
No, let the hairs recede inside the flower! It looks like it still has to finish and still hasn't swelled. If you harvest now you will lose weight and aroma and end up with a top that smells like hay!
Post the whole plant so we can see the state of the plant's health


Well-Known Member
As everyone else has mentioned, some time yet. Most to all white hairs should be gone, calyxes should swell as pistils recede. I imagine most of us have harvested early and learned that it’s best to wait and let the bud swell and grow denser. Looks nice. Is it possible the tip of the cola is showing a little fade from being too close to the light? Would love to see the whole plant.

Also consider that the cola is ripening faster than the other, lower down buds, and the cola has a ways to go, so the lowers likely are even less mature. Good luck. Looks like it’ll be nice smoke.


Well-Known Member
Let the trichomes tell you when shes ready. When trichomes are cloudy they are the most potent, they degrade as they amber. I typically wait until theres no clear mostly cloudy and a bit of amber.

420 Garden

Well-Known Member
Yep 2 to 3 weeks. Why throw away 10 to 20% of weight away just to harvest too early? Think about what you will lose in weight when you dry.