Ready or not to move into flower


Active Member
Hi all - Have this plant at 7 weeks into veg stage.
It is about 10" (25cm) high growing under a Blackstar 135W LED.
Height and space are an issue for me and I think that if plants grow twice their height during flowering stage, I think I need to move this to flower ASAP.
Is 7 weeks to early to move this plant into flower?

Thanks TKMWeek 6 post topping9.jpgWeek 6 post topping11.jpgWeek 6 post topping12.jpg
When i researched for my first plant, i basically found if the main leaves have darkened then u can flower when ever u want. U can determine the final hieght by topping and flowering about 2 foot before the final hieght u want it to be. But im a newbie so wot do i kno ha.

Grow Ro

Yea when I 1st start growing I only hade 3 or 4 feet in total space. so I would switch my plants over at week 5.
Kinda small for 7 weeks of veg. You can LST and top it to get more out of ur plant with the restricted height and area. If the seeds are feminized I wait for preflowers to start showing, usually around week 4, then flip to 12/12 about a week after. 7 weeks of veg is on the longer side but I would let those plants get a bit bigger if you have the room for it
If those are 1 gal pots I would flip soon actually. l couldn't tell, pic 2 looks more like a 3 gal.. and pic 3 looks like a 1 gal. They wont get much bigger if it's a 1 gal pot. Probably go ahead and flip soon since ur pots aren't very big


Active Member
They are three gallon pots.

Thanks all for your help. Given your advice I will flip to flower on the weekend. Will let you know how I go.

Muchos Gratis.

With small pots, 3 gal and under, and limited space look into a 12/12 from seed grow. It's not for everyone but it lets the plants tell u when they're ready because they flower on there own with out a need to change light cycles. You can also get loads of plants in a small space. Keep us posted on the flower. Good job :mrgreen: