Ready or not ? lots o pics


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I was wondering if these "look" ready. I've looked at them under a scope and found 5% are clear and 95% are cloudy with the odd one or two that are amber. This is an outdoor grow that had 7 out of 8 plants jacked form it 3-4 weeks ago.

The only plant they left was a small 4' tall plant other were all about 7' and some lower branches of the plants they had to break the stalk on to get out. anyway just wondering when they should be good for chopping im in southern ontario and its getting colder just wondering how much longer they might have.

On the website i ordered them from they say between 7-9 weeks of flowering depending on the strain i got. i mixed them all up when germinating

also the pics were taken with the camera on a weird setting so they are a little hazy. they do have about 5-10% brown "hairs" on them



Not ready yet, all thc is still white when half or most of the crystals turn amber
then it is done, the buds are still small i think 4-5 more weeks


Well-Known Member
cool, that what i was afraid of, dont want the rippers to come back and get what they missed. Thanks for the quick response +rep

i just went to feed them as they are not coming down yet so i took some better pics.


edit. i find it funny how my $90 point and shoot has macro but for my 2k $ camera i have to buy an equally expensive lens to take macro shots :)


Scientia Cannabis
Not ready yet, all thc is still white when half or most of the crystals turn amber
then it is done, the buds are still small i think 4-5 more weeks


THC isn't white.
And you shouldn't harvest your weed when the trichomes are amber (since the THC has been degraded into CBN which isn't as psychoactive, you thereby "lose" some THC).

I agree on the size though, bud formations are not large enough nor swollen yet.

You should not base maturity on pistils either.
You should harvest when your trichomes are cloudy, then THC is at it's peak and you will get the full effect of the strain :joint:


Well-Known Member

THC isn't white.
And you shouldn't harvest your weed when the trichomes are amber (since the THC has been degraded into CBN which isn't as psychoactive, you thereby "lose" some THC).

I agree on the size though, bud formations are not large enough nor swollen yet.

You should not base maturity on pistils either.
You should harvest when your trichomes are cloudy, then THC is at it's peak and you will get the full effect of the strain :joint:

how long do they stay cloudy for because i have seen them close up at 60x and they are cloudy and some clear and a random amber one in each sample i took


Scientia Cannabis
That depends on a lot of variables, namely;

I could go on but it's normally very varied depending on the type of grow :)

How many would you guess based on %?
70% cloudy?

I would harvest as close to 100% cloudy as possible but it depends on the overall look of the plant as well, how swollen the calyxes are etc.


Well-Known Member
its probably like 80-90% from what i saw give or take a bit I will keep an eye on them for the next week or so. should I flush them they are outside in the ground and we are getting a few days of rain coming up.

edit: probably closer to 90%


Scientia Cannabis
Alright well keep a close eye on them, anything from days to 2 weeks before they are at maximum THC.

I wouldn't flush no.


Scientia Cannabis
No don't stop feeding nutes, there is no reason to do it when you aren't completely at ease with flushing yet.

I wouldn't recommend flushing before until your second grow so you won't have any sudden problems and deficiencies that might freak you out =)


Well-Known Member
I took down pic 5 of 8 in the first post and got about 400g wet weight. whats that going to dry up to about 120g ? 30% ? any way it was just a few braches II wish the whole plant was left. The other two, one a whole plant and the other just branches too still need more time. Ill keep it updated :)