Ready for the dark closet?

Po boy

Well-Known Member
northern lights auto - 77 days from germ. i usually harvest these at day 80. look ready???IMG_2817.jpgIMG_2821.jpgIMG_2823.jpgIMG_2825.jpg
Geez. I unfortunatly cannot answer your question due to my lack of experiance, but, I would like to say those look awesome and I only hope my plants look like that 77 days from now.

Gratz, you're doing something right. :D

Dice Clay

Active Member
Honestly They are more than ripe! The hairs are what look like 95% brown and the calyxes are really swollen and it seems like if you dont clip today or tomorrow that they will start to degrade. I would get them at the end of their light cycle tonight if I were you. They look gorgeous, Happy smoking!

Dice Clay

Active Member
get yourself a 30$ scope and look at them through it...taaa duhhh!

Was that supposed to be helpful or even english? I love how people have such an attitude when people humble themselves and ask a question. He is just looking for some re-assurance in a second opinion... totally understand and appreciate that.

Instead of buying a "scope" or microscope in english, I would go with a 10x magnification Loupe or a 3.5x optivisor (same as 10x just a proprietary measure). These are great because you put them on and have your hands free to manipulate the plant and really get in there and look. Any magnification under 10x really is too puny to see the difference between a cloudy resin gland and a clear one.


Grown n Oregon

Active Member
it wasnt attitude at fact, it is the only for sure way to know if the tri's are fully ripe. the "micro"scope dont lie. i thought it was gread advice myself, but to each his own.


Well-Known Member
it wasnt attitude at fact, it is the only for sure way to know if the tri's are fully ripe. the "micro"scope dont lie. i thought it was gread advice myself, but to each his own.
T totally agree.Damn diceclay himself woulda been able to read,tht and i hate the Guy

Dice Clay

Active Member
Well things come across pretty dry in text so my apologies.. but when someone writes duhh.... maybe Im old but that used to be a sound you make when someone does or says something stupid... But for people who really are beginners I think it is more helpful spell things out clearly so that there is as little room for interpretation as possible. I know it always helps to have exact information. Like type of microscope, power etc. So my bad if i interpreted it as being sassy, but the general attitude in a couple answers here were on the sassy side.

b well

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
"duhh" wasnt the the meaning of it all. when a magician waves his arms and says " taa duhh", "tuhh duhh" or how ever u would spell it was the meaning. all good tho my friend, its a crazy world and im just along for the ride


Well-Known Member
To truly know if they are ready you do need a magnifier with which to examine the trichomes. If your not seeing some amber in the trichs then its not quite ready. Its a personal preference as to how much amber you like to have in your plant but that is the bet indicator as to how close to harves your plant is, or how far away it is. Ideally you would like to see amber in at least 20-30% of the trichs