ReAdy FoR The CrITics

It's guys like this who are actually at home right now laughing there brains out to this. It's sad but let kinda funny too.. Shheessh little guy...
cmon akmatanuska....the kid is asking for it...
You and I know spending $150 for piece of mind is priceless...Opie doesnt see the big picture here...
That crappy light will make the electric bill go up high enough he could be running a digi ballast with a 1000w for the same price and it might even be cooler:P
cmon akmatanuska....the kid is asking for it...
You and I know spending $150 for piece of mind is priceless...Opie doesnt see the big picture here...
That crappy light will make the electric bill go up high enough he could be running a digi ballast with a 1000w for the same price and it might even be cooler:P
True that. But some people have to work with what they got we've all been there lol.
cmon akmatanuska....the kid is asking for it...
You and I know spending $150 for piece of mind is priceless...Opie doesnt see the big picture here...
That crappy light will make the electric bill go up high enough he could be running a digi ballast with a 1000w for the same price and it might even be cooler:P
So say that then asshole.. I'm new to this and didn't pay a dime for the fixture. Ok its old. U couldn't just properly answer my questions that I posted. And I could of swore I'm in the newb section. Ur a miserable sad dude. Or herm? Who knows what u are.. But u have def become an ASShole in my book.. So once again moooove along in the newbie section and fuck with more people who are asking legitimate questions. Ass
I'd rather use fluorescents.

Is the ballast in the hood? maybe that's why it's 'hot'. Wat a piece of shit. You can get a new 1000 watt ballast for 99$ you cheap bastard.

At least get a 600 and clean those dam carpets.
It's a patio my friend.. But again I'm unfamiliar with equipment.. But I do know that ur the biggest pussy of the day for talking to someone that way and you'll never see and u knw it.. Because if you were here I'll slide my razor across your face.. Another comedian.. From a distance.
Ok. I understand the lights old.. But let me worry about the light u know. I ask a couple questions and I get things like "that's old" or "you'll burn your house down" like wtf? Lol.
Suck my dick pussy. What kind of dumb fuck uses a lamp that old. Buy a new one you broke muthafucker. I'm almost positive you're planning on plugging this fire Hazzard in at your mom's house to... smfh stop being a dumbfuck.
Lol. "Im not a brah". Dude stfu and moooooove along.. Brah
She is a woman and gives good grow advice. Don't get mad when you ask a question you don't want to hear the answer.

Go ahead dumbass burn your house down because your cheap. Douche bags like you give the growing community a bad name. Grow up.

Oh you don't care cause you rent. Yea no big deal its not like houses cost a lot of money or anything.