ready for harvest?


Well-Known Member
umm there gettin there..... i had a plant like that last summer...during flowering mostly alll leaves turned i plucked off the yellow ones gently thus gave the bud more the next week the buds doubled in size and i got an unexpected 8 suggest takin off some of those leaves theyre just gunna fall off there not needed


Active Member
both of you guys that posted pics imo the buds look damn near ready but im No expert. Korvette if u hav that long left them bitches r pry guna be big n beautiful


Well-Known Member
u harvest them when 75% of the white pistils have turned orange,other way of findin out is to get a magnifying glass and look at the trichomes,when the trichomes r slightly bent and hav a slight orangey colour the thc is at its best and this is when u will get the best happy high,the longer u take to harvest the denser the high