Reading the Leaves on this plant.. what does it say?


Active Member
Hi folks,

I think my wonder woman is tryin to tell me somethin but im not sure what, or what to do about it. You can notice the ends of the leaves are starting to look like fishhooks..

Shes just a couple days over 3 weeks into flowering. Ph in 6.5, ph out 6.5 soil seems nice and neutral. FF ocean forest with some perlite. Fox farms trio, by the feeding schedule but with 1/2 strength. Was fraid to burn so I never have given her full strength. Never been flushed tho I did run 3 or so galls thru her last watering till her runoff was mostly clear. Today her pots light. So I figure now is the time to ask what if anything she might be telling me. Shes due for water today only.

I will put up lots of pix showing the leaves and I just dont think she looks right. Hard to explain lol.. Under 400 w hps in a tent. I open the tent front during the day and run an oscillating fan on the plants, have 4 inch intake, 6 inch exhaust and they run all nite when its closed up. More detail in my first grow journal in my sig if that would be helpful

Thank you so much for taking a look, and any help you may have.



not much help - but I've seen that too - thought maybe too much heat- so I backed off the light and added more cooling.

Seemed to come around w/ that.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Yeah it looks like it's mostly at the very top of the plant I think that it might be just being close to the bulb it gets a little too hot. Maybe if you can get a small fan to blow air out from under it it might help. It might be showing signs of being slightly overfertilized also did she get fed very recently maybe a slightly larger dose? My plant I fertilized heavily a few days ago burned up a little bit but I think she will be okay. When the leaves burn like that they typically have brown edges or something and I don't really see that on yours. She looks great though.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Yeah some say clawing is from heat, but it seems like you have that covered. The claw is deff the new mystery it seems. sorry no help here, she does look nice, very nice indeed.


wait till all the shade leaf yellow and fall off - enough to shock a grower...

Agreed- move the light (away) and add fan


Active Member
Its possible its heat, she is the closest to the light. I hung a thermometer up there a few min ago we'll see how hot it actually is. Oh and yes on the fert. Two days ago was her first feeding of all three nutes per the FF schedule. I did them all at half strength. Perhaps I'll run some extra water thru her today when I water. I appreciate the thoughts guys.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
yeah just water with PHed water for the next 3 times or even 4 see if she recovers at all. then if your going to nute her do it at 1/4 strength.