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New Member
Read the last 10-15 posts on my last thread.

The entire time I was trying to manipulate you guys... into thinking something I wanted you to think....

And... because of 1 of 2 things:

1. You are able to see I'm manipulating you.... and you are just following along and are in a different paradoxal group who doesnt have the other problem.

2. You think you can see how I'm manipulating you.... and you are incorrect about it.

Thats it. But you talking so FIERCELY about how you disagree that you're part of paradox 2.... shows just how paradoxical... paradox 2 is. And thats my point... and I'm asking you guys whats a better way of doing that?

Also.... is manipulating you guys THIS INDEPTHLY worth it? Which side is right? I will never know because I can't see your egos... and I don't know what you people actually think... on the inside. It changes this argument.... and it changes how you talk to people.

Believe me... the people you manipulate..... either dont care.... or dont see it. Theres not many out there that see it... and also do it. There's just me... cuz guess what... YOU GUYS ARE ASSHOLES. AND YOU DONT CARE IF I CALL YOU AN ASSHOLE DO YOU??? OR A FUCKFACE?? OR ANYTHING. BECAUSE MY OPINON DOESNT EVER MATTER NO MATTER WHAT I SAY UNTIL IT BLOWS YOUR GOD DAMN MIND like this fucking one has done for me. It is further into the consciousness... you are more intelligent if you are here.... COME HERE WITH ME. See other peoples VIEWS. Thats all I'm saying. Thats what you are meant to infer. You are meant to look at my opinion... and INFER WHAT I MEAN NOT WHAT YOU MEAN. And thats how your logic is flawed.

Theres definitely a lot more people in paradox 1 and paradox 2 though.

Those people are the people that stop the legalization of marijauna. I believe this point... because I have seen no evidence... that paradox 2 doesnt exist. In fact I have ONLY seen evidence that paradox 2 does it exist. But I'm still assuming.... that based off my flawed view of logic.... which I dont thoroughly understand.... I'm still wrong. But i'm pretty god damn sure I'm right.

Sound a bit like you guys? At all?


Well-Known Member
the only thing you are manipulating is a ride to Ban Town. Good luck and get some professional help.


New Member
the only thing you are manipulating is a ride to Ban Town. Good luck and get some professional help.
See? You only care that I can't manipulate you.... yet at the beginning I wasn't talking about that was I? But NOW I am and NOW thats what you're saying.

And I have to literally put you into a grand plan that has taken me 4 forums to figure out..... hopefully.

Because every idea doesnt work... of telling you

You're not listening to my idea. You are infering you have. I said OTHER things. I did not just say I'm a badass manipulator.... I'm saying you manipulating people... is making you not see my view.

I'm saying it over and over....

And you dont believe it.

But its true....

because 99.99999 percent of the time... I'm just a trol.

But that .00000001 percent I'm right. And guess what????? I'm RIGHT! You ARENT looking at my opinions... you're assuming.... that because I am saying this... that I am wrong. But.. what you dont realize... is you're proving it while you say it.... because you're not talking about this opinion... you're talking about what you think about my opinion... back when I was manipulating you.... and not showing you this point.

You didnt know this until I posted this thread. You had no idea what I was talking about....

I'm talking about you being a manipulator....

I'm talking about that. I'm saying it over and over. I'm saying theres 3 types of people

1: people who manipulate
2: people who dont manipulate
3: people who I haven't pointed out

and guess what? You dont get to number 3. Everytime. But you know EVERYTHING about 1 and 2.


New Member
And you not getting to number 3.... means you still think I think you are number 1. Which makes you not want to get to number 3. But really.... I think you're number 2.

Guess what regular people think you are?

Guess what you think regular people are?


Well-Known Member
Sustain, I've told you already, you need to look at it. I mean would you just look at that? Seriously. Just look at it.

Beyond that, you are a worthless troll, adding no value to anyones life, including yours. I feel sorry for your parents. If you haven't killed them already.

Bad troll is bad.

Now go look at it.


New Member
And when I bring it all together like I did just a minute ago... you respond STILL... with

the only thing you are manipulating is a ride to Ban Town. Good luck and get some professional help.

Because you are trying to infer what I'm thinking. And I think thats our miscommunication... and I think we should stop.

Now how do I explain that to you... without you getting mad.... and kicking me off your forum... for thinking I'm a troll?

Which is the question I've been asking the entire time using a manipulative tactic but since you weren't reading what I was saying you were guessing...... what i was saying.... you never helped and we never changed.



New Member
Sustain, I've told you already, you need to look at it. I mean would you just look at that? Seriously. Just look at it.

Beyond that, you are a worthless troll, adding no value to anyones life, including yours. I feel sorry for your parents. If you haven't killed them already.

Bad troll is bad.

Now go look at it.

And the only thing you are getting is you think what I am actually thinking.... but I have to manipulate both of you....

The ones that DONT know and THINK they know... and the ones that KNOW.

Because you're both infering what I think.... and what I think... is not what im saying.

Thats how EVERYone works. And if you dont see their perspective... you fuck everything up!


New Member
Because everyone DOES do what you're doing. EVERYONE. And we cant prove it.... you're right... but you guys made it seem pretty clear didnt you?

I'm merely infering a new piece of information... that you guys dont want to hear ... subconsciously :) for whatever reason... I cant prove what reason it is



New Member
Do I need to sound arrogant to get the point across to the rest of you? I dont know how to manipulate you guys... you guys manipulate so good you dont know whats going on anymore.

What do I need to say to tell you you're doing this?

I am not lying.

I am very smart.

I know whats happening.

Your preconceptions about who I am and what i've done are making you think that I'm wrong.

Listen to logic.

Dont listen to your logic.


Well-Known Member
When you say "boom more logic" I think you mean no logic and the boom proves this by showing your are blowing up logic.


New Member
And if you respond with anything but OOOOOooooooo or yeah I got it half way through or so....

You're wrong.

Because me saying "and if you respond with anything but OOOOOoooo I get it....." or "yeah I got it half way through or so...." is me manipulating you guys into doing what I want. Not what I'm doing literally. I want you to think.... that I'm arrogant...

I need that. Thats key. Because you all sound arrogant.... and no one listens to you. NO ONE.

And if they do listen to you... and you are manipulating them....




New Member
When you say "boom more logic" I think you mean no logic and the boom proves this by showing your are blowing up logic.

Thank the lord jesus fuckign christ

I have been wanting you to say that ... forever....

And you never said it... because I didn't just say it... I wanted you to infer it....

And if you listen to peoples thoughts... when they tell you "please god listen" they believe you... because they THINK thats how the world works. But paradox 2 people... can do 1 of 2 things

and everyone that has responded to anything that I have to say... and said anything decent.... is more than likely one of these two things.... but COULD ALSO BE SOMEONE IN PARADOX 1, but I know now all of you see paradox 2.... unless you are lying to me... in which case you're paradox 1

But both are paradoxes because you both dont change for different reasons. Which is the central theme of everything I have said.

And perhaps I can get you guys to infer further into my logic with me.... and find us a new way to tell each other to listen and know lots of people do it... and you can tell a manipulator simply by looking at what they have to say.


Well-Known Member
House! Oootz Oootz... House!

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