read this its about the growth difference with lights and sun


Active Member
well for a start i germinated my seeds and started indoors under artificial lighting for the first two weeks and then whenever it was sunny i would let the the sun take over..

why is it that when under sun the stalk get big in length and when its under lights it get really bushy

is it because the light is too close to the plant ?
i know plants grow towards the light but will my plant become a problem if it gets to bushy? will it affect the bud and not have enough room to grow? i really hope not but will you guys help me..... thanks for reading if you have made it this far...


Well-Known Member
Sound like the taller plants may be sativa and the small bushy ones are most likely indica. The indica is a powerful high and one trait of them is short and bushy. The sativa is a relaxing high that motivates unlike the sinking heavy indica high. Both a great plants use sativa for a night on the town. Use indica for an indoor night.


Active Member
Sound like the taller plants may be sativa and the small bushy ones are most likely indica. The indica is a powerful high and one trait of them is short and bushy. The sativa is a relaxing high that motivates unlike the sinking heavy indica high. Both a great plants use sativa for a night on the town. Use indica for an indoor night.

is that a possum


Well-Known Member
Distance between a bulb and an indoor plant HUGELY impacts the intensity of the light it receives. Farther from the bulb = less light strength.

This contrasts greatly with light from the Sun. This light has traveled around 93 million miles, so a few feet wont really change the intensity noticeably.

A plant under the Sun will grow naturally (as it evolved to do) and stretch based on the genetics. If you grow a plant indoors, nice and close to the light, it will stretch less than an outdoor plant if it is receiving comparably more intense light. Contrastingly, if you lighting sucks and is weaker than the sun, you will have a weak stretchy plant that is taller than an outdoor plant. Assuming it receives enough light to grow at all.

At least, that's my logic. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Distance between a bulb and an indoor plant HUGELY impacts the intensity of the light it receives. Farther from the bulb = less light strength.

This contrasts greatly with light from the Sun. This light has traveled around 93 million miles, so a few feet wont really change the intensity noticeably.

A plant under the Sun will grow naturally (as it evolved to do) and stretch based on the genetics. If you grow a plant indoors, nice and close to the light, it will stretch less than an outdoor plant if it is receiving comparably more intense light. Contrastingly, if you lighting sucks and is weaker than the sun, you will have a weak stretchy plant that is taller than an outdoor plant. Assuming it receives enough light to grow at all.

At least, that's my logic. Hope this helps.
that is exactly it mate
You should grow your plants in presence of sunlight and LED lights both because for the growth of plants sunlight is very useful and LED lights are useful when plants start to bear fruits.


Well-Known Member
Your bulbs even an inch away can't offer the same amount of energy as the sun. The plants under lights tend to bush out versus growing towards the brightest point in the sky due to the lights distribution. When you have lights in an enclosure and when the light comes from multiple scources versus one round point it disperses more evenly from multiple directions. Because of this the plant grows out in all directions when looking for the brightest point.

That sounds super confusing. Plants grow towards the light. If the light is most intense at a certain point the plant stretches to meet it. If the light comes equally from all over the plant stretches equally all over (bushes out).


the sun is just a better light source overall, on average it lets of 10,000 lumens per sq ft. that what you should aim for in an indoor grow, and even with those numebrs, you wont produce shit you can produce can make cookie monsters outside son


Active Member
Your bulbs even an inch away can't offer the same amount of energy as the sun. The plants under lights tend to bush out versus growing towards the brightest point in the sky due to the lights distribution. When you have lights in an enclosure and when the light comes from multiple scources versus one round point it disperses more evenly from multiple directions. Because of this the plant grows out in all directions when looking for the brightest point.

That sounds super confusing. Plants grow towards the light. If the light is most intense at a certain point the plant stretches to meet it. If the light comes equally from all over the plant stretches equally all over (bushes out).

i totally understand mate


Well-Known Member
the plant probably evolved to stretch /grow tall and then bush out during flowering, the suns intensity would prolly encourage as much stretching as possible to allow the most surface area to get light.