Read This If You're Confused About Nutrients

The following 16 elements are considered essential plant nutrients:
zinc(Zn) and
Plants also need carbon(C), hydrogen(H) and oxygen(O), derived from air & water.

The nutrients C, H, O, N, P, K, Ca, Mg
and S are needed in large amounts and are referred to as the macronutrients.

Fe, Mn, B, Mo, Cu, Zn and Cl are needed in
small amounts and are the micronutrients.

A nutrient solution should ensure that all of these nutrients are available.
It is
now understood that there are more factors to plant nutrition than just these essential macro and micronutrients.

High quality organic nutrients are available. Nutrients are also chelated to assist in the uptake of micronutrients and other molecules.

Modern plant nutrition also provides plant growth hormones and metabolic enhancers – there are a variety of nutrient additives and foliar sprays whose essential function is to speed the plant up, making the plant work faster and harder.
These hormones help the plant to have more energy, grow faster, and ultimately, to produce more. Last but not least, the importance
of healthy root zone function has come to the forefont of plant science. Now there are a variety of ways to provide
for extreme and healthy root growth. These options include enzymes to break down dead materials, root tonics and stimulators,
and innoculations with beneficial microbes, fungal, bacterial and mycorrhizael. (To learn more about healthy root
growth, check out our info sheet handout Healthy Roots on that topic.) To learn more about managing your reservoir and
adding nutrients and additives, check out our info sheet handout Reservoir Maintenance.
Mineral Nutrient Selections
The nutrients in these solutions are readily available, allowing plants to grow fast and strong. Although they are not organic,
these nutrients are made from highly refined and pure ingredients. You will see excellent growth with any of these options
- they all provide a full range of macro and micro nutrients. If you are growing in hydro, be sure to use a hydro nutrient line.
Spotlight on Roots Excelurator
This is the best and most powerful root stimulator available in today's market. Using only 1.1ml per
gallon, Roots Excelurator will provide explosive root growth and rid the plant of brown roots. Roots
Excelurator is packaged in an aluminum canister to preserve organic ingredients and beneficial
organisms. We just can’t say enough good stuff about this product. It will keep your roots healthy
in some of the most extreme condtions. Most growers use all the way throughout.
General Hydroponics
This is the original line of hydroponic nutrients. Many growers still rely on the reliable 3-Part Flora Series and feel it is unrvivaled
in its overall performance. (We feel a little differently, but that’s another story altogether.) The 3-Part Flora Series
lets you tinker with the levels of Grow, Micro and Bloom til your hearts content in search of the perfect formula. General
Hydroponics has also put out a one-part nutrient, Flora Nova (comes in both a Grow as well as a Bloom forumla,) which
works rather well and is super easy to use (as one-part formulas typically are). They have some really good additives to support
the line. Floralicious Plus is a Kelp based metabolic enhancer that is chock full of good stuff. Along with Kelp,
Floralicious Plus has carbohydrates, amino acids, polyflavorinoids, humic and fulvic acid. Diamond Nectar is concentrated
pure Fulvic Acid and will help with nutrient uptake and availability. SubCulture is an easy-to-use affordable innoculant
of beneficial microbes ranging from Trichoderma to Streptomyces. FloraNectar is a new product that contains all natural
raw cane sugar, molasses, malt syrup, select plant based esters, L-amino acids, organic acids, polyflavonoids, vitamins and
essential minerals. FloraBlend is a vegan organic product that contains highly soluble organic compounds that increase and
promote healthy root structures, build the plants immune system and provide carbon building blocks for plant processes
responsible for color and flavor of fruits and vegetables. Lastly, Kool Bloom is General Hydroponics age-old “super phosphate”
bloom stimulant, which will promote larger fruit / flowers.
Advanced Nutrients
These are some of the best nutrients on the Gardening Market as well as some of the most complicated. The line contains
the entire range of nutrient additives and it can be overwhelming to manage at first. When using A.N., it is suggested that
you use only RO water. What makes the nutes themselves special is that the micro nutrients are individually chelated with
their appropriate micronutrients (as opposed to CANNA which does batch chelation). Nutrients come from premium mineral
sources. When working with Advanced Nutrients you have your choice between the base nutrients Sensi Grow and Sensi
Bloom - two part A & B solutions, or you can go with Advanced Nutrients Grow, Micro and Bloom which can be combined to
provide specialized nutrients for plants in any stage. Now there is also Connoisseur A + B for Bloom. Connoisseur is the
most premium nutrient system we have seen. It is made from Pharmaceutical grade minerals which have been either individually
amino chealted or chealted with the most expensive chemical chealtes (such as EDDHA). On top of that they have
new technology in the form of Polyamino alchohols which increase the elasticity of the cell membrane allowing for more
nutrients to be absorbed and thus digested. This provides for explosive growth and yield. When using any of these Advanced
base nutrients we suggest starting out slow with the additives. Sweetleaf - is a great additive which includes molasses, cane
sugar, a full suite of B-Vatamins, esters, and polyphenolic copounds that come together to greatly increase flavor, aroma,
and overall oil content in your favorite fruits and flowers. BigBud, and OverDrive are premium Bloom enhancing products
that have unique levels of Phosphorus and Potassium for the given stages of the Fruit and Flowering Stage (inquire within
to find out more info.) Piranha and Tarantula, are two beneficial microbe solutions that greatly increase root mass and thus
yield (More roots more fruits!) SensiZym is a strong digestive enzyme solution that will help the plant by degrading dead or
dying root systems and feed them back to the plant and the beneficial microbes keeping them away from any pathogens.
House and Garden
This a very fine crafted suite of Nutrients and Additives brought to you straight from Holland. Made from only the finest
indgredients. This line uses the highest levels of Calcium we have ever seen (up to 12% for some base nutrients!) Also,
only uses EDDHA Iron Chelates. They have a base nutrient for almost any type of grower. The Cocos A+B is a premium Coco
Drain to Waste nutrient with levels set to perfection for Coco growers. Their Aqua Flakes A+B are designed for Recirculating
Hydroponic systems. They also have a one-part (easy to use) Soil formula called 1 Commenent Aarde. The most extraordinary
product in their fleet is Roots Excelurator (featured on the first page of this hand out in a spotlight.) House and Garden
also has a full line of Additives including: Bud-XL - a bloom booster that concentrates all the plants energy to the growing
fruit / flowers, Top Booster - a premium pK booster that ensures for larger Fruit/Flower sites, MagiGreen - a foliar spray that
will green up any plant, Shooting Powder - creates a secondary bloom stage increasing overall yield, MultiZym - a very economical,
yet powerful digestive enzyme collection, and DripClean - a flushing/cleaning agent that can be run through a system
at all times ensuring that the lines stay clean.
CANNA Nutrients
Canna Aqua Vega & Aqua Flores is a premium two-part nutrient from Holland. This means that the grow (Vega) solution has
a Part A and a Part B. The same holds true for the Bloom (Flores). CANNA has a unique line of nutrients – all the micronutrients
are batch chelated using a blend of humic, fulvic and amino acids, providing a greater micronutrient absorption. They
are also extremely pH balanced. They also make a ultra-premium Coco Nutrient aptly called Canna Coco A+B. The same
Coco A+B Nutrient is to be used for Veg. and Bloom. Their line includes Rhizotonic, a great root stimulator (grows roots at
an accelerated rate and creates tons of white fuzzy micro-hairs) full of B vitamins, oligosaccharides, and other good stuff;
Cannazyme, an enzymatic formula which breaks down dead plant matter and helps roots to grow to fullest potential; and last
but not least, Canna PK-13-14 which is Canna’s bloom stimulator(high ratio of Phosphorus and Potassium). Optional products
to help boost these nutrients are Alg-A-Mic for cytokinin hormonal push throughout. We also highly recommend
Piranha, a mychorizaal innoculant that encourages explosive root growth. EM Microbe is another perenial favorite with this
line. We also suggest using Sweet to help balance out the slight imbalance when using coco. And don’t forget to check out
Canna’s new exciting Boost product. It will greatly enhance flavor, aroma and overall Yield! Look for the spotlight below.
Spotlight on Nutrient Additives
Nutrient additives are added to a base nutrient and provide a wide range of benefits. They can be
confusing, and wth this handout we try to shed some light on the subject (and the many products
we offer). We suggest cautiously trying any nutrient additive at 1/2 strenght to judge the effect on
your plants. Always be aware of what is in an additive so you do not add two of the same types
of additives, which in turn will be too strong and may burn the sometimes sensitive plants.
Organic Options
Organic nutrients can be used in either soil, coco, rockwool, or even Hydroton. It is becoming easier to grow a successful
hydropoic crop with organic nutrients. These solutions are derived from sources such as fish meal, crab meal, cottonseedmeal,
seaweed (kelp) and bat guano. Organic nutrients can be slightly unstable in use and control. The flavor and smell of
the final harvest product is much fuller, sweeter and yummier than regular mineral based nutrients.
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro is an organic nutrient with 10-15% pure mineral content. It contains absorbable forms of iron,
calcium and phosphorous. The phosphorous comes from pure rock phosphate. The line has a vegetative and a bloom formula.
It also includes a calcium/magnesium micronutrient formula called Cal-Mag Plus which is to be used at the end of the
vegetative period and throughout bloom. Cal-Mag Plus helps to prevent micronutrient deficiencies and lockout. (We prefer
substituting SensiCal for Cal-Mag. SensiCal has 3 forms of Calcium and four forms of Iron as well as all essential Plant metals
(Copper, Boron, Zinc, etc.) Liquid Karma, a kelp-based growth enhancer was made to be used with this line, as was
HydroGuard, a bacterial innoculant and fungicide. For those who are concerned about Large flowers and fruits, we recommend
using Pure Blend Pro Bloom for soil instead of the reg. Bloom formula for the last 3 weeks of Bloom. We also highly
recommend Piranha, a mychorizaal innoculant that encourages explosive root growth, SensiZym, comprised of enzymes
which stimulate root growth and digest dead or dying plant proteins, and Silica Blast which hardens cell walls, increasing
yield by up to 20% and also increases the plants odds of dealing with enviornmental stress (i.e. bugs, heat, etc.) strongly
suggest Roots Excelurator - See Info Spotlight on first page. Keep the pH of your nutrient solution between 5.8 – 6.2.
PLEASE NOTE: If you follow the directions on the PureBlend Pro label you will find that the strength of your solution can be
too high. It is best to monitor the PPM in your solution - we HIGHLY reccomend getting a meter --- but if you want to try
without it, just use a little less than the directions call for (this is generally good advice anyway.)
BioBizz (for soil only)
BioBizz is known for creating fertilizers and additives for use in organic cultivation. They truly believe in the superiority of
organic produce, and they use only the highest quality ingredients. Made in the Netherlands.
Bio-Grow Is a liquid organic nutrient that can be used in all types of media during the vegetative stage. It smells very sweet
owing to its content of natural sugars which also provide an ideal inter-relationship with the bacteria in the soil mixture.
Enriched with 70 trace elements and the vitamins B1, B2, C and E, it is a complete fertilizer that can also be used in the
very latest stages of flowering as a plant tonic. Bio-Bloom contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and
potassium to ensure exuberant blooming. Trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin are also added to improve the
plant process itself. Bio-Bloom contains enzymes and amino acids to promote flowering and fruit production.
TopMax is a 100% organic bloom stimulant comprised of the pure essence of special flowers. TopMax stimulates the blossom
cells and increases the transport of sugar molecules within the flowers, creating an abundance of floral growth. TopMax
also contributes to a soft sweet taste in the finished product. RootJuice is a 100% vegetable root stimulator that creates
explosive root growth in rooted plants viah the stimulation of the natural microbiology surrounding the root system. It provides
a better yield due to the ability of the plant to accelerate the uptake of nutrients. Produces a strong plant that is resistant
to disease and insect attack. Provides a higher resistance to high EC-values. Alg-A-Mic Is a vitality booster made with
cold pressed concentrated seaweed; hence it's extremely high content of trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin.
Natural amino acids and vitamins are also added, catering to the whole spectrum of the plants needs. Alg-A-Mic can be
used as a foliar spray or watered directly to the roots promoting vigorous green growth.
Fox Farm
FoxFarm nutrients have been known as the Microbrewery of Premium Plant Foods and Soil Mixes. Their fertilizers are built
around the use of FoxFarms proprietary earthworm castings, nature’s finest soil amendment. They also add Fish Meal, Crab
meal, Shrimp Meal, Calcium Carbonate, Rock Phosphate, Kelp and more to create a well balanced diet for plants to take
in. Although not entirely “Organic”, FoxFarm is mostly organic with no chemicals added. Anything that is not technically
organic is at least ALL NATURAL. For example even though Rock Phosphate comes from pure mineral sources (shaved
from a mined “rock”), it is still not technically “organic” because it is not carbon based (from life). We still look at this
as being Organic. . .There are three pieces to their formula - Grow Big for Vegetative Growth, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom to
promote heavy Yields full of lush flavor and enticing aromas. Please refer to their Feed Chart. We also suggest using
Piranha, Subculture, Hygrozyme, and FoxFarms TriPack of Bloom Enhancers (Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha-Ching.)
BIOCANNA products have been deveopled on the precision farming theory in which the plant is fed directly and precisely.
BIOCANNA is also based on direct as well as indirect nutrition to the plants. This means that BIOCANNA products stimulate
the microflora around the roots, which helps the plant absorb the necessary nutrients and also protects the plant's root
environment. BioVega, BioFlores and BioBOOST are vegetable-based (vegan organic) and do not contain any animal residual
products. The main advantage of this is that the product's composition is much better tuned to the plant's needs. Research
has shown that products grown with BIOCANNA have a higher percentage of certain essential oils such as: ß-Pinene,
Limonene, Caryophyllene and α-Humulene . T hese essential oils determine the scent and flavour. BioVega has been developed
specificly for the plants vegetative growth phase. BioVega is rich in highly absorbable betaine nitrogen that is released
according to the plant’s needs. The bioactive substances within BioVega create very strong growth shoots and stimulate
explosive root development. BioFlores, the bloom fertilizer in this line, as well as being a complete vegan fertilizer, also
contains hops extract which is high in lupuline, luparol, and humulon, which provide the plant with extra blooming power.
BioBoost is a yield enhancing Bloom stimulant for all cultivation systems. BioBoost is a natural fermented plant extract which
as well as increasing yield will help to form more flavor and aroma. Rhizotonic, a great root stimulator, grows roots at an
astounding rate and creates tons of white fuzzy micro-hairs. It is full of B vitamins, oligosaccharides, and other good stuff;
Cannazyme, an enzymatic formula, breaks down dead plant matter and helps roots to grow to fullest potential. We also suggest
using beneficial microbes such as Piranha, EM-Microbe, and GLEEO. ALso try Grand Finale during the last 2 weeks.
Earth Juice
The Earth Juice line of organic fertilizers are derived from 100% natural, organic ingredients. Earth Juice stimulates vigorous
growth and provide abundant yields, while improving the soil. They are highly concentrated, easy to use, and contain
no salt-building chemicals or hidden NPK boosting synthetics. Earth Juice Grow is an All Organic OMRI listed Nitrogen formulation
for vigorous green growth. Earth juice Bloom is a non nitrogen phosphorus solution which is used to promote larger
fruit, buds, flowers, and vegetables. It is also OMRI certified. Earth juice Catalyst is a premium organic additive that
encourages compact branching, stimulates optimal fruiting sites, and triggers early yields. Along with these 3 core indgredients
there are two other additives: MicroBlast - a liquid micronutrient formula to be used to prevent and correct
micronutrient deficiencies; and META - K - a natural potassium-based formulation for maturing, fruiting, and flowering plants
that require more potassium. Earth Juice also makes a one part nutrient - SugarPeak Grow and Bloom. These are simple,
easy to use formulas of selected natural and organic elements, bio-enhancers along with the purest elemental nutrients complex
into a form that is easily assimilated by plants grown both hydroponically and in soil. Sugar Peak Grow is crafted for
energetic stem and leaf growth for foliage plants and the vegetative stage of flowering and fruiting plants. Sugar Peak Bloom
is designed to effectively maintain fruiting and flowering plants. There are two great additives for this line as well. Briximus
Maximus is a carbohydrate foliar spray which when used in conjunction with Grand Finale maximizes the flavor and aroma.
Root Tonics and Beneficial Microbes
There is a wide selection of products that will aid in root development and ward of pathogens,
keeping your roots extremely happy and healthy. Depending on the medium employed, beneficial
microbes can also do wonders for the media’s environment, the root zone efficiency and for
overall health, as well as provide help with delivering nutrients and creating hormones and
enzymes. Please refer to to the info sheet Maintaining a Healthy Root Zone for a more comprehensive
look at the root zone and various products that are available to maximize its potential.
Spotlight on CANNA BIO BOOST
Canna Boost is first and foremost a yield increasing agent. It is also VEGAN and ORGANIC.
It is not a nutrient but a natural fermented plant extract with bloom stimulating characteristics
that are also responsible for a more round flavor. The bioactive substances result in a
heightened metabolism that is exactly what the plant needs during the blooming period. The
plants produce more fructose, become healthier and stronger and are less vulnerable to diseases
and plagues. Again, this is a vegan organic version of Canna Boost - Slightly slower,
slightly less yield, but expect even more flavor and more aroma.
Calcium Products
Traditionally, the three “major plant nutrients” were thought to be Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (NPK).
Recent studies on Calcium have proven it to be just as important as the “the BIG 3”. First off, calcium is an essential
part of plant cell wall structure. The more calcium present, the stronger and thicker the cell wall will be. In addition
to its role in cell structure, Calcium also plays a role in regulating various cell and plant functions as a secondary
messenger / co-factor. This function as a secondary messenger / co-factor assists in various plant functions including
nutrient uptake. It also helps the plant react to the impact of environmental and disease stresses. Magnesium
goes hand in hand with Calcium. Although not as important, magnesium is part of the chlorophyll in all green plants
and essential for photosynthesis. Magnesium also helps to activate specific enzyme systems. Enzymes are complex
substances that build, modify, or break down compounds as part of a plant's normal metabolism. Both Calcium and
magnesium are two of the most common deficiencies (especially when using purified (Reverse Osmosis) water, and
need to be address and dealt with quick when diagnosed. Below are our favorite Calcium products:
Plant-Amp is derived from a unique and proprietary microorganism based chelation process, which harnesses the power
of Nature's smallest creatures to "fix" plant food for easy uptake. This microbe-chelated Calcium will not lock-up
important compounds such as phosphorous, silicates, or sulfur, while facilitating Calcium uptake by plant roots and
leaves. Great for Foliar applications! We suggest using with Nitrozime or Alg-A-Mic. Also Note: This is a pure calcium
product. Does not contain magnesium or other plant essential elements.
MagiCal - MagiCal is a highly enriched blend of Magnesium, Calcium and Iron, that promotes vigorous and healthy
plant growth for both soil and soiless gardens. MagiCal accelerates protein syntheses, maintains high starch content
in crops, improves the density of fruit and the production of essential oils, creates lush and greener foliage, and maintains
a healthy root system.Completely soluble and clear of any sediment, MagiCal will mix with ease into any solution
providing an instantly available source of nutrients. This is the most Absorbable form of ready-to-use Calcium out
there. It also has an assortment of Micro-Nutrients within it as well.
Cal-Mag - The Yellow bottle has a Cal-Mag now which has a DTPA Iron, Calcium Chelate product out. This is pretty
good stuff. Easy to use and Great Concentration.
Amino Acid Solutions
BioHeaven - The L-amino acids used by BioBizz for BioHeaven are extracted from organic protein sources via enzymatic
hydrolysis and fermentation. This process ensures the amino acids to be extracted in L-form, the only absorbed
and used by plants. Besides the L-amino acids, BioHeaven contains natural aged humus, one of the most versatile
components in soil environments. This component, in combination with other operative substances in BioHeaven,
increases extremely the quantity of minerals in the soil. Normally, the percentage of minerals uptake lies around the
5-10%, the substances within BioHeaven can raise it up to 95%. 100% organic, Bio-Heaven contains a range of carefully
selected bio-stimulants and organic ingredients that effectively turbo charge your plant into ridding itself of toxins,
increasing its nutrient and trace element uptake and maximising its potential. This leads to enhanced vegetative
growth, increased root system development and superior flowering performance. Bio-Heaven is used at 1-5 ml/Litre
from the second week of vegetative growth right through until two weeks from harvest and should be usedin conjunction
with your normal grow and bloom nutrient regimen. This product is also great for stressed out plants or if
you want to just give them a kick.
Spotlight on Foliar Spraying
Foliar Spraying is an excellent way to deliver larger molecules directly into the plant. The
root zone is protected (internally) by a protective lining called the casparian strip which
prevents larger molecules (carbohydrates and some hormones, etc.) from getting
through and into the interior of plant cells where they can be helpful. By Foliar Spraying
these growth promoters can be easily and directly absorbed. There are some very innovative
products available - Please check out our Info sheet on Foliar Sprays.
Humic and Fulvics (and a brief note on Chealting)
Humic acids are a complex mixture of organic materials. They change the water retention of a grow media and the of
the plant cell, causing it to swell up with more water, creating an osmotic imbalance and promoting the uptake of
nutrient salts. Fulvic Acid, Nature’s chelating agent, is the most powerful type of Humic Acid. Important to the
Krebs Cycle, Fulvic Acid shuttles essential elements across a cell membrane effortlessly and insures the availability
of those elements. Studies show that plants treated with Fulvic Acid show a 36% increase in harvest weight, a 36.5%
increase in growth, and they flower ahead of control plants.
Media Max - Buffers salts, balances pH, increases nutrient availability and is essential for healthy microbial activity.
Contains high levels of humus as well as humic, fulvic and amino acids. Also contains over 70 beneficial vitamins,
minerals, enzymes, bio-stimulants and natural wetting agents.100% organic and all natural while containing no animal
proteins or bi-products often high in unwanted salts and heavy metals. Use with Soil / Coco / Soil-less media.
Go ALL Phase - This product contains essential organic acids, seaweed extracts, minerals, vitamins and high-energy
carbon sugars to promote maximum growth potential and beneficial microbial activity. Improves soil and water quality.
You will also notice an increase in disease and pest resistance. Greatly increases nutrient availability to the plant.
Increases nutrient availability over a wider range of pH, freeing the grower from excessive pH adjustments.
Grandma Enggy’s Humic (H2) - Grandma’s pure Humic Acid brew can be used in soil and hydroponics to increase waterholding
capacity, root zone aeration, and root efficiency. Humic stimulates root branching, plant enzyme function, and
plant immune systems. Humic provides natural carrier compounds that transport nutrients and vitamins into plants
more efficiently, so plants grow faster and have stronger cellular processes.
Grandma Enggy’s Fulvic (F1) - A 7-step extraction process creates Grandma’s honey-golden Fulvic Acid that nourishes
plant cells, roots and leaves to produce bigger, more aromatic flowers. Has been competitively tested against other
Fulvic products and was found to produce quicker nutrient absorption, transport, and a greater cellular metabolism.
Ruby Fulvic - This very high quality fulvic from Millenium Garden Products will greatly enhance plant growth rates.
Contains low levels of cytokines, auxins, and indoleacetic acid (IAA) all derived from fermented organic materials such
as seaweeds, other algae and rich plant sources. Ruby Fulvic is designed to dramatically increase transpiration rates
without showing an increase in ppm of the nutrient solution remaining in the reservoir.
Diamond Nectar - A fulvic acid extract providing a highly available & diverse range of bioactive plant compounds.
Diamond Nectar supercharges your nutrients in order to optimize the health of your plants and the quality of your
crops. By accelerating nutrient absorption at the root boundary zone where minerals enter the plant, small particle
sized fulvic acids optimize nutrient uptake in fast growing vegetation.
Colossal Bud Blast, Emerald Shaman and Wet Betty
A great Foliar Mix for the more experienced grower. This powerful cocktail will increase
overall Fruit/Flower Sites, and enhance overall potency and flavor. Emerald Shaman is
totally unique and comprised of 88 certified-organic fermented extracts. Colossal Bud
Blast is made from a concentrated base-tea extracted from seaweed meal, alfalfa meal,
krill meal, high-phosphate bat guano and azomite. Deliver both together with Wet Betty
(more than just a wetting agent - it’s a great Delivery agent).
Guano Products
BudSwell - A solution comprised of Bat Guano and Earthworm Castings. This solution has been around for quite a
long while, and many people swear by it. The organic enzymes and hormones contained in this powerful solution will
help promote more aroma, sugars, oils, and resins - “to the max.”
Organa Guano - Unlike any other Liquid Guano out. This product contains super concentrated organic phosphorus
extracted from Bat Guano. In order to get this high concentration it has been sterilized and highly filtered. For an
exciting and thourough combination use with Budswell to bring back the hormones and enzymes into the mix. (Note:
Contains 20 times more phosphorus than BudSwell.)
TopMax- This unique recipe contains some humic acid as well as some kelp, but the the bulk of the potion contained
within is comprised of propietary indgredients. This product, during the last 3 weeks increases the oil / resin / sugar
production of your fruits/flowers and will cause “crowning” - a sort of secondary “bloom” stage event. (ok for hydro)
Shooting Powder - This Bloom booster starts a new fruiting/flowering cycle after the regular bloom phase, increasing
the fruit's weight. The extra yield after applying this nutrient will probably surprise you. It actually creates a new layer
on top of the existing fruit. Output increases of over 20% can be reached this way. Use with Bud-Xl for best results.
Bud-XL - Bud-XL has the unique ability to extract sugars from the leaf of the plant and transfer them to the fruit. The
fruit is thus made sweeter and its taster improved. Bud-XL also increases the size and robustness of the flower, resulting
in an increase in fruit production and a greater yield. Use with Shooting Powder for best results.
PHAT-Bloom - Use during weeks 2-4 of Bloom. This unique Bloom Stimulator uses Sugar Translocation Technology
(STT) and Phytic Acid (very similar to ATP) to make fruits and flowers bigger and thus yield more. Phytic Acid is the
most abundant form of stored phosphorus and carbohydrates in flora. Phytic Acid and STT make flowers PHAT fast.
CANNA Boost Accelerator - The primary function of this additive is to stimulate recently
formed flowers into fuller and heavier growth by increasing the plants’ actual rate of photosynthesis.
This leads to not only increased yields, but also higher nutrient uptake and
greater sugar production for better tasting harvests. Also, because your flowers are stimulated
into the maturing process a lot earlier, the consistency of quality across your crops
will be much better. Even better results can be achieved if PK13/14 is used as well. This
is because PK 13/14 provides the plant with extra flowering elements while CANNA BOOST
ensures that the plant has the energy to be able to utilize these elements.
Big Bud & OverDrive - From Advanced Nutrients. Big Bud will
dramatically increase bud/fruit growth, width, weight and resin
production like no other bloom enhancing product can (use for
weeks 2-5). Overdrive is a premium fruit/flower booster with an
extremely extensive and very complex array of phosphorus and
potassium source. OverDrive is designed to give fruit/flowers
their final girth as well as increase oil/sugar/resin content (use
weeks 6-7). Designed to be used one at a time.
Bloom Stimulants
Bloom Stimulants come in two forms these days. Those that are mineral based (“super phosphate” - indicated below in
orange) and those that employ hormones and/or enzymes. Phosphorous and potassium are the directly involved in fruit/flower
formation, structure and overall taste, potency & aroma. By adding more of these two Macro-nutrients at “key” points in the
Bloom phase we can influence (and thus speed up) or increase the number of fruit/flowering sites. Hormones and enzymes,
alternatively are organic (and have no NPK value) and can stimulate new growth, speed up the plants metabolism or govern
a wide variety of internal reactions which in turn will increase the yield, flavor and aroma of the fruit/flowers. It is very important
to NOT ovelap two of the same type of product which essentially are offering the same ingredients.
Kool Bloom -This is General Hydroponics “super phosphate” product that is designed for use in the second half of
reproductive development, this concentrated nutrient supplement increases the production of essential oils and fragrance
in flowers. Comes in both a Dry (Last 3 weeks of Bloom) and Liquid formulation (weeks 2-4 of bloom).
Hydroplex - This is botanicare’s “super phosphate” and is designed to be used for the final 3 weeks. (Not to be used
during Flush.) What makes this product special is their use of humic,fulvic, and amino acids to help chelate their
phosphorus and potassium and make it more accessible to the plant.
Canna PK-13-14 -Unlike other blooming aids, Canna PK13-14, Canna’s “super phosphate” works rapidly and becomes
immediately available because it requires a very small amount of absorption energ. (Due to fulvic acid and other phosphorus/
potassium uptake co-factors) This allows for full focus on blooming. Use Weeks 4-6.
Hygrozyme - This enzyme solution prevents the formation of pythium bacterial rot, and
algae, Hygrozyme is an activating enzyme solution. It will create healthy white root growth
in your plants. (Great with freshly rooted cuttings to promote even more roots.) It will not
harm beneficial microbes. You CAN use Hygrozyme (or any other enzyme product) with any
product except for Hydrogen Peroxide or Zone. In fact you can (an many people do) use
Hygrozyme with another enzyme solution such as SensiZym. Hygrozyme will produce Bigger,
Stronger, Faster Growing plants with larger overall Yield and greater overall health. Feel
free to come in and ask us about Hygrozyme and its many benefits.
Spotlight on Liquid Light Foliar Spray + Penetrator
Designed to massively increase the amount of light your plants can use, Liquid Light will turn
your plants into light processing power houses - using over 60% more of the available light.
Liquid Light Super-charges the chloroplasts enabling the plant to use more light and convert
more sugar into plant tissue faster. This in turn leads to a higher overall yield. When
used as directed, plants grow and develop faster and yield more – as if they were under a
higher wattage light! Must use with Penetrator. Check out our Info sheet Liquid Light.
Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs)
PhosphoLoad - PhosphoLoad will effectively halt the vertical growth of a plant and create more lateral growth,
as well as larger bulkier flowers with a larger overall yield (up to 30%) and less overall time to maturity. The
active indgredient in Phosphoload is Paclobutrazol, which is a plant growth regulator (PGR). Paclobutrazol
will interfere with the flow of Gibberelins throughout the plant (a hormone responsible for much of the plants
apical growth. Paclobutrazol is scheduled to only be used for ornamental plants or flowers. One thing that
we can certainly say about Phosphoload is that it works. Within three days after adding this product all vertical
growth will halt and flower production will begin. Please note: For success, you must use this product
according to our directions based on our nfo sheet. (Do NOT follow the directions on the bottle itself.)
BushMaster - This high-potency formula uses kelp as an activator to lock in plant height, a must for the limited space
of indoor gardens. Bushmaster also increases the density of indoor plants by forcing the flowering of the entire stalk
and limbs. When applied, vertical height and limb length stops. New growth comes from within the established flowers
creating huge clusters. We recommend using two weeks after flowering. At that time, stored energy is flowing
upward to the developing flowers. Do NOT apply as label suggest. Apply 1-3mL per Gallon. Check out our info sheet.
Enzyme Solutions
Along with the major plant hormone research, enzymes have become the recent focus of much attention. Small, yet
amazingly powerful -- enzymes have a variety of important benefits for the hydro grower. There are many different
enzymes that all have different functions. The growing community is just beginning to get a hold on what they all
do. There are two types of enzymes that we are most concerned with. There are those that accelerate sugar/ resin production
and work to create flavor and Yield. Then there are those that break down dying and dead plant proteins into
their component parts – amino acids, lipids and smaller molecules which can be reabsorbed by the plant.
Cannazyme consists of more than 15 different kinds of enzymes to which vitamins and extracts of desert plants are
added. Cannazym speeds up the breaking down of dead root material and activates micro-organisms. Cannazym alsofacilitates
& increases the resistance against pathogenic microbes. The stongest digestive enzyme on the market.
SensiZym is a super concentrate of over 80 different enzymes, each having specific functions that enhance plant and
root growth. Part of the Advanced Nutrients line. Great for soil or hydroponics. Mainly digestive enzymes. This is our
favorite all around enzyme solution. We feel it does the best job at promoting good healthy new growth, as well as
helps keep the roots in good condition.
Multi-zyme - Yet another enzyme mixture. This is slightly more concentrated then either SensiZym or Cannazym. It is
part digestive enzyme and part catalyst. This is a combination package similar to Sensizym.
Bud Candy- By supplying four of the richest tasting sugars along with an abundance of
amino acids, organic acids, esters and vitamins, Bud Candy pumps up the flavor of your
favorite flowers and fruits through flavor molecule precursors to build more aromatic compounds.
Bud Candy is derived from both Cane Sugar and Molasses. Along with Esters and
polyphenolic compounds it also contains a full array of B-vitamins for stress - relief for all
stages of plant growth. Bud Candy also has a full array of L-amino acids for better chelatation.
And finally 72 Ag. minerals for faster growth. Bud Candy does NOT raise the overall
ppms of the solution, which in turn is good for growers who are watching overall ppms.
Carbohydrate - Sweet Solution
Sweet - Available in either berry or citrus flavor, Sweet organic carbohydrate synthesizer contains carbohydrates,
organic acids, vitamins, amino acids, esters, essential secondary and trace elements which are utilized for the biosynthesis
of crucial compounds to maintain optimal metabolism. Sweet - The Original Blend of Carbs and Esters to
give more oil / resin / sugar production in plants.
Carboload - Polysacharrides and simple sugars. Can be used in conjuction with either Sweet or Sweetleaf. Really good
food for beneficial microbes. Carboload is easy to apply. Comes in either powder or liquid form. We actually prefer
the powder form, and feel it does a better job.
Seaweed (Kelp) Based Products
The natural plant growth regulators, (gibberellic acid, ethylene gas, abscisic acid (ABA), auxins, and several
cytokinins,) all have their own specific effects on growth and development in plants. The main research advancements
have involved cytokinins which are known to govern cell division & increase growth. There is a wide range of
products available made of ascophylum nodosum, the North Atlantic sea kelp form which most cytokinins are derived.
Liquid Karma - If you are looking for just one thing to add to nutrient regimen, Liquid Karma is the one. Great for every
stage of growth, Liquid Karma will increase branching points, flower sets and yield by as much as 30%. It chelates
micronutrients through amino & fulvic acids, shuttles them into plant cells, increasing metabolic rates and conserving
plant energy. Full of B-vitamins and other stress relieving compounds w/ cytokines from ascophylum nodosum.
SeaPlex -Finally another Cold Proccessed Kelp has hit the market. Seaplex is chock full of seaweed that is processed
using only a press and non-damaging enzymes. Then it is cold filtered to make sure it will not clog up any aero or
dripper system. Finally Humic Acid is added for extra absorbtion.
Alg-A-Mic A vitality booster made with cold pressed concentrated seaweed; hence it's
extremely high content of trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin. Natural amino
acids and vitamins are also added catering to the whole spectrum of the plants needs. Alg-
A-Mic can be taken in by the leaves through means of sprayers as well as with water directly
to the roots promoting vigorous green growth. Healthy plants are also less likely to suffer
from deficiency diseases and temperature fluctuations. Alg-A-Mic may be used in all
stages of growth and bloom. It can also be foliar fed with WetBetty. We prefer adding this
into the root zone at a rate of 1-4tsp./Gal. Start low and build it up. Ok For Hydro
Spotlight on Piranha
Piranha Beneficial Fungi colonizes root zones and plant surfaces with eight species of trichoderma
and 18 species of endomycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi. Piranha’s mycorrhizal
fungi can expand surface area of root mass by as much as 700%, which means vastly
increased nutrient water uptake.It’s the only beneficial fungi formula to receive official
approval from OMRI- the Organic Materials Review Institute. OMRI certified Piranha
because it’s a 100% organic formula that cleans and energizes roots and root zones.
Finishing / Ripening Products
SAR solutions
Scorpion Juice - Dr. Hornby's Scorpion Juice triggers a plant's defense mechanisms by inducing a systemic acquired
resistance (SAR) in the plant cells. This acts as a vaccination for your plants, which quickly build immune responses
to a diverse variety of pathogens including viruses, fungi, and bacteria.This immunity response is particularly evident
in resin producing plants which show substantial increases in resin production when the defense mechanisms are activated.
In addition, a marked increase in flower / fruit production and size as well as fragrance is also seen. Scorpion
Juice contains chitosan (active ingredient) and its benefits are extremely heightened when used with Messenger.
Messenger is the harapin Protein and elicits a SAR response in plants after being sprayed. Messenger causes a natural
reaction in the plant. It turns on your plants own immune system! Plants treated with Messenger are healthier than
untreated plants and have less disease, bigger root systems, more flowers, and more fruit. Use with Scorpion Juice!
Foliar Bloom A+B is a powerful SAR solution. it combines both salicylic acid and chitosan. Both of these products
synergize together to create a very large SAR response in plants. This is the strongest solution we have found and is
very good at preventing Powdery Mildew if used before an infection occurs. We suggest spraying every 2 weeks. For
an even more potent soltion mix A+B of this solution along with Messenger and a wetting agent and watch your plants
stand erect and reach for the light (happy as can be!).
Purple Maxx - This product has been in development for over two years under the name
of STACKER. They discovered a combination of organic compounds that would encourage
plants to “stack” their flowering / fruiting sites closer together, increase resin / sugar production
and fruit / flower size and stimulate extreme crystal development. After Stacker,
it took on the name Snow Storm. . .Then when continuing to Beta-test they discovered
that it turned their fruit a deep purple. Finally Snow Storm became titled Purple Maxx.
You still get all the yield enhancing stacking power, and the extreme oil/resin/sugar production
and if your genetics allow you get the added purple colorization.
Grand Finale - This is a new 1 Part Finishing forumla from the makers of the famous Earth
Juice line of all organic fertilizer. Start using Grand Finale 14 Days prior to harvest. It is a
stand alone 1 part fertilizer (NPK 0-6-4.) Grand Finale causes yellowing, (pulling out reds,
and purples as well) and dropping of leaves - Leaving you with a cleaner end product with
less green leafy taste to it. We feel this is one of the best, if not THE BEST finishing products
on the market. Creates firm fruit,with great aroma. Derived from Molasses,Marinbird
Fossilized Guano,Phosphoric Acid,Bat Guano and Potassium Sulfate. This product is very
visual. We are sure that after one use of this you will be blown away.
Flushing Agents
No matter what nutrient program you use,it is highly recommened that you flush your crop out before harvest. You
can do this by running plain water through the system for a few days, but if you really want to remove the build-up of
nutrient salts to allow a clean and clear flavor to come through, you might want to try a flushing solution.
Clearex is also used at the end of a crops cycle to trigger the last reproductive stage of the plant, forcing the plant to
process and assimilate endogenous nutrients. From the Botanicare line by American Agritech.
Final Phase is a flushing agent that will rid plants of salt buildup and will leave them with a sweeter taste as well.
Final Phase is not a fertilizer. When used at the end of the Fruit / Flowering Phase, plants get a signal which indicates
that there time is drawing to a closure, inducing them to put all their remaining energy into a final burst (which
will help create more oil / resin / sugar). Final Phase is also very good at flushing out mediums whenever nutrient
salts have built up within. It is best to use Final phase first, then rinse with just water afterwards.
Agricultural Organics New “Yellow Bottle” Line of Additives
Pre Bloom - Pre Bloom stimulates massive branching and triggers a stage of development called pre flowering, improving
response at flower initiation. Plants grown using Pre Bloom also have much shorter internode spacing, producing
much more compact plants without the use of Plant Growth Regulators.
Ultra Bloom - Using organic plant signaling compounds and nucleic acids Ultra Bloom triggers flower development
fast, increasing initial flower set. The signaling compounds in Ultra Bloom that trigger flower set are so specific they
only switch on genes responsible for the development of female flowers. More Bloom sites less stretching!
Phat Bloom is the big gun for using during the most rapid period of plant growth and development and also the exponential
flowering phase during weeks three and four. Phat Bloom puts a on bio-mass faster during this period than
any other product on the market. Phat Bloom utilizes the Sugar Translocation Technology (STT) and Phytic Acid
(which is another plant usable form of ATP (liquid energy) to make flowers Phat fast.
Ooze Bloom uses cutting edge technology developed through extensive research and development. Based upon commercial
essential oil technology, advanced through research, Agricultural Organics have been able to stimulate the
terpenoid production through natural bio stimulants. They combine this with their proprietary combination of triacontanol,
rare earth minerals, fulvic acid, vitamins and amino acids. Ooze Bloom stimulates these secondary metabolites
which aid in the synthesis of oil, sugar and resin production in fruits and flowers.
Final Bloom - This is an Organic stimulant consisting of organics phytohormones, fulvic
acid, vitamins and amino acids. Use Final Bloom in the last two weeks of the flowering
cycle just prior to harvest. You will see noticeable change’s in 2 -3 days. Final Bloom will
increase yield, improve sugar / resin production, increase overall aroma, and create very
dense fruit structure. It will really tighten up your flowers / fruit clusters and add to the
overall quality. We have had customers that have come in saying that 2-3 days after
adding this product to their reservoir solution their plants had just fallen over due to the
sheer weight of the fruit. If you need to add some final density or bulk, this is it.
Other New Products
SeaWeed - This is the “Yellow Bottle lines” new Seaweed solution. It is made from cold proccessed kelp and is very
rich in cytokinens and other plant hormones. Along with kelp it contains a small amount of Humic acid to help with
water retention and absorption of the various active ingredients and micronutrients held within. Along with its quality
structure and components it is priced right (at about 1/2 of other quality kelp products on the market).
Huvega - Huvega is primarily a fulvic acid solution. It uses Ionic minerals which have high oxygen - hydrogen leves
which have very positive influences on plants metabolism and nutrient absorption. These ionic minerals have a very
high Cation Exchange capacity (CEC) and can capture and hold onto other minerals and transport them through a
plants cell membrane and still keep them mobile within. This saves a plant HUGE amounts of energy which can then
be used for other functions such as flower generation. Also these Ionic compounds (because they are so reactive)
can be used to break down “toxic” or pathogenic matter within the plant’s cells.
Humega - is a leonardite based media enhancer. It is comprised of lignite ore which is cold processed and contains
oodles of unique fulvic and humic acids, hormones, enzymes, minerals and a sleu of beneficial microbes. Humega
allows for more water absorption and retention within the plant cells, allowing them to swell up and in turn hold more
nutrient, enzymes, and multiply faster.
Sea Fuel - Principally Fish Hydrolysate, Australian bull kelp and Fulvic acid. This product is only made from fresh Blue
Fin Tuna which is ground up and composted organic-style under the Australian skies. This is THE fresest and most
potent Fish-Mix out there today. It will increase oil/resin content and help with stress (draught / heat /cold) tolerance.
Sea Minerals - Bloom SEA MINERALS contains 85 times the concentration of essential minerals present in seawater.
First seawater is harvested from the southern ocean and then evaporated down to just over 1% of its initial volume
using the nothing but the power of the sun. Creating a solution 25 times more rich in minerals than the dead sea yet
low in sodium creating the perfect agricultural mineral and trace element supplement.











But then one might ask what was the point in this?
Alright, so am I just stupid or was just about every potential product for nutrients listed here outrageously expensive? I'm sorry, but I grew several 6 to 11ft tall, 2-3 inch width at base plants from a mixture of backyard soil, horse manure and chicken manure. And not even a lot of the manures at that- I never had to add anything else to get them to explode into growth, just added it into the soil.
Alright, so am I just stupid or was just about every potential product for nutrients listed here outrageously expensive? I'm sorry, but I grew several 6 to 11ft tall, 2-3 inch width at base plants from a mixture of backyard soil, horse manure and chicken manure. And not even a lot of the manures at that- I never had to add anything else to get them to explode into growth, just added it into the soil.

You're right, they are expensive and I'm guilty of using some of them .. Over on ICMAG a grower grew, what looked like super bud, with nothing but water .. The farmer made their own grow medium mix that contained everything their plants needed from clone to smoke .. There's more than a single way to grow the dank .. If I wasn't so lazy I may have followed suit and gone totally organic, but instead I used an Advanced Nutrient array of chems which would easily cost me 400 to restock
Wow.....that's a shit-ton of words and products (for an "un-biased" report, there's a ton of AN products listed). Here's what I feed from beginning to end and have and average 5-7 ounces per plant. Just 1/2 tsp per gal if you're growing in soil.

Alright, so am I just stupid or was just about every potential product for nutrients listed here outrageously expensive? I'm sorry, but I grew several 6 to 11ft tall, 2-3 inch width at base plants from a mixture of backyard soil, horse manure and chicken manure. And not even a lot of the manures at that- I never had to add anything else to get them to explode into growth, just added it into the soil.
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro isn't exactly "outrageously expensive".

I get liters for $18, and it lasts a long time growing in soil.

Any pics of your 11-foot tall plants grown in chicken shit?
Alright, so am I just stupid or was just about every potential product for nutrients listed here outrageously expensive? I'm sorry, but I grew several 6 to 11ft tall, 2-3 inch width at base plants from a mixture of backyard soil, horse manure and chicken manure. And not even a lot of the manures at that- I never had to add anything else to get them to explode into growth, just added it into the soil.

Yes these plants grow in nature. No one is saying these plants don't grow by themselves. That being said, imagine you DID use supplements. You would have AT LEAST an increase in speed, growth, or yield if not all. Yeh dig? I have a wicked analogy that yokel will like if you wish?

None the less - Thank you for posting this, if not just for a good read.
As homebrewer seen this ! :) love to hear his input bet he has used most off them an can debunk a lot off them an tell you witch ones work for soil or hydro and what stage to use them to get the most out off the product !