Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

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I remember back in the 80's well before legalization here in Portland Oregon. Oh crap I named my city! Anyway, back then all cops would do is rip up a few plants. You needed to be growing at some scale and stealing power before they'd do anything but trash your plants. I remember being at a keg in High School that the cops showed up to. The guy hosting the party had a few plants growing under fluorescent lights. The cops told us to drain the keg, ripped his plants out of the pots, tossed them in the backyard, and left. As soon as the cops left he put the plants back in pots and that was that. I don't even think they had a right to enter the house but they did. Nobody got busted and they never came back.
Let's say you are living in an illegal state. Make your online persona to be in a legal state.

Conversely, I live in a legal state and pretend to live in an illegal state while growing copious amounts of cannabis. Come and get it, Texas! Yeeeeee Hawwww.
Where you say you live is irrelevant. If it's gotten to the point where law enforcement needs to find you, they will.

They're not going to be like oh damn we couldn't find him in the state he said he lived in, guess we'll move on to the next guy on the list.
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