Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

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OP thanks for the concern but many of us in North America just are not real worried about it at this point. As it has been pointed out, quite alot of the US and Canada are med or rec legal and it’s moving more and more in that direction. 10-15 years ago it was a different story.

Goddamnit, I call bullshit. You’ve been claiming to be a multiracial middle aged fella for a while and now we find out you’re a fat white 30 year old. My faith in humanity has been irreplaceably shaken by this revelation.
I’m going to smoke some weed that I grew in my back yard in Michigan and posted pictures of here on RIU. Hopefully the weed will help me recenter.
A fucking fat white asshole with a tramp stamp - I always knew we couldn’t trust you Portland, Oregon area stoners.
My next signature
:lol: :hug:
""" the RIU staff knows approximately where you live. """

Where is this site located?
I'm in the US, but used my Euro email address to register with no problem.
Before I found RIU, I tired to register at autoflower and as soon as I hit
submit I was banned. I emailed them and the humps never even replied.
They should of known from my ip that it was not spam.
Was driving on the Mass Pike a few weeks back and literally something like 90% of the billboards along the way were dispensary or cannabis related. I thought that the Staties driving along there must love it.

Around here, our local small town paper had to reduce their police blotter coverage from once a week to every 2 or 3 weeks since they don't have the penny-ante weed arrests anymore.
We did have one early after legalization.. Their plant count was legal in the state with the amount of residents, but the quantity of dried and flowering product got them federal manufacturing charges
I get the Americans being chill, I live in a country where its semi-legal.

But I'm from the UK originally and the police get promoted to Queen's guard if they bust a 1x1m with three plants and a 50w blurple, the office gets a massive grant of the government to fight more cannabis grow ops

Over the last five years I've seen a handful of decent grow ops in the newspapers but the majority are 400-800w grows and the majority of the public support it.
We did have one early after legalization.. Their plant count was legal in the state with the amount of residents, but the quantity of dried and flowering product got them federal manufacturing charges

Around here it's all possession charges. They haven't really gone after big grow operations or haven't found any since I've lived here, though in some of the regional cities that is different. Much more likely for people to be busted for meth operations and stuff on that level. They've largely ignored smaller growing stuff for years. Law in state is 5lbs in house and a few ounces on person.
Around here it's all possession charges. They haven't really gone after big grow operations or haven't found any since I've lived here, though in some of the regional cities that is different. Much more likely for people to be busted for meth operations and stuff on that level. They've largely ignored smaller growing stuff for years. Law in state is 5lbs in house and a few ounces on person.
I am in MA as well
Meth I havent seen much of.. Had one bust in Gloucester, where the unfortunate soul claimed someone dumped it on him with some heroin, and he had been stuck with it due to a lack of market
That's an old picture. I've lost a ton of weight and am sporting a mullet these days.

Bet you still have the Bieber tramp stamp though, don't ya? Lol
Around here it's all possession charges. They haven't really gone after big grow operations or haven't found any since I've lived here, though in some of the regional cities that is different. Much more likely for people to be busted for meth operations and stuff on that level. They've largely ignored smaller growing stuff for years. Law in state is 5lbs in house and a few ounces on person.
According to various reports I’ve read over the years, New England states (New York, MA etc) for years had been quietly moving toward a decriminalization model, particularly NYC. I remember a NPR segment (“all things considered” maybe?) about weed delivery services operating in NYC like 15+ years ago. These seemed to mainly be known illicit businesses that were mainly ignored by leo because it was not out in the open and not a priority. Places that clearly were professional organized with frequent shopper rewards, BOGO specials and such. I would not really have wanted to be on a weed delivery company’s frequent shopper database myself but seems like there’s been scarier data breeches with places like Target and such over the years.
Nice to be having actual legalization though.
But I'm from the UK originally and the police get promoted to Queen's guard if they bust a 1x1m with three plants and a 50w blurple, the office gets a massive grant of the government to fight more cannabis grow ops

Over the last five years I've seen a handful of decent grow ops in the newspapers but the majority are 400-800w grows and the majority of the public support it.

So much nonsense spoken here.

The Queens guard is an Army outfit, not the Police.

Please show me a link to where you got the info about having a grant to catch grow ops? If you cant - its bollocks!

Majority of the public would support cannabis going legal, not investing more time and energy into a war of drugs that they will never win.
So much nonsense spoken here.

The Queens guard is an Army outfit, not the Police.

Please show me a link to where you got the info about having a grant to catch grow ops? If you cant - its bollocks!

Majority of the public would support cannabis going legal, not investing more time and energy into a war of drugs that they will never win.
It was joke you silly Billy who doesn't get jokes.
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According to various reports I’ve read over the years, New England states (New York, MA etc) for years had been quietly moving toward a decriminalization model, particularly NYC. I remember a NPR segment (“all things considered” maybe?) about weed delivery services operating in NYC like 15+ years ago. These seemed to mainly be known illicit businesses that were mainly ignored by leo because it was not out in the open and not a priority. Places that clearly were professional organized with frequent shopper rewards, BOGO specials and such. I would not really have wanted to be on a weed delivery company’s frequent shopper database myself but seems like there’s been scarier data breeches with places like Target and such over the years.
Nice to be having actual legalization though.
I had some superb NYC diesel delivered right to my hotel room in New York - fantastic service.
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