Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

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Well-Known Member
I have been floating around the forums for the last 12 years and have seen endless members come and go.
I think it's safe to say, every grow forum is watched by an online crime force, they collect information to identify you.
Just a few things to think about next time you upload pictures and say it's your birthday.

Most growers say where they live, for example, I live in the UK, could even say the southeast, not a problem because it is still millions to one.
Never give out your dob. (I use a fake one)
365(days) x 60(years) = 29,100 (between 20 and 80)
In a room of 30,000, they can narrow you down to one person
If they know your sex that's 1 in 60,000 people :o

Pictures, I have seen pictures of tattoos on the forums, no two tattoos are the same, may look similar but they can give you away if they are recognized by the wrong person or your Facebook account, there is software that could match up tattoos.

Showing clear pictures of your hands (fingerprint) would give you away if the police have you on record.

Pictures that show a reflection of you, don't have to be clear, their software for that.

Just hope this will help to keep growers safe online.
The stupid are supposed to win those prizes. Stop teaching idiots how too survive lol. Seriously though if someone is doing illegal shit and throws it on the net, well that’s how nature works imo

Do you know of anyone on any grow forum who has been busted?
I doubt law enforcement is interested in any individual growing a couple of plants in their closet........especially considering that's it's legal in a lot of states and becoming more and more decriminalized.
I have known a lot of people to get busted living in the UK, a friend of a friend kind of thing,
If the police knows the identity of a member, they could wait for the plant count to be really high and bust you, just saying I am not taking the risk, they wouldn't worry about 2 plants in a 2ft x4ft but what about 8ft x 4ft flower room, veg room (60 plants)?
I have known a lot of people to get busted living in the UK, a friend of a friend kind of thing,
If the police knows the identity of a member, they could wait for the plant count to be really high and bust you, just saying I am not taking the risk, they wouldn't worry about 2 plants in a 2ft x4ft but what about 8ft x 4ft flower room, veg room (60 plants)?
Then get off the internet
I've had police in my home with knowledge that I was growing. "It's not like you have 17 plants or anything.", one said. I had 6.

Caveat - I was a caregiver for my severely disabled wife so they knew it was for good use. With doctors & nurses actually recommending use it is getting very hard to justify leo & judicial resources for small "offenses". On the other hand, those things mean jobs to leo & the court system.
I have known a lot of people to get busted living in the UK, a friend of a friend kind of thing,
If the police knows the identity of a member, they could wait for the plant count to be really high and bust you, just saying I am not taking the risk, they wouldn't worry about 2 plants in a 2ft x4ft but what about 8ft x 4ft flower room, veg room (60 plants)?
They didn't get busted from police looking for them on a grow forum.

They aren't wasting resources to investigate and bust you with 2 plants.

60 plants is just stupid. No one needs 60 plants for personal use. If you are growing for profit that's illegal, regardless of where you live and local legality. If you get busted you shouldn't be shocked.
The judicial system has always been about money. Asset forfeiture is huge and very profitable. This war on cannabis is silly and clearly malicious. Cannabis has never been the sole cause of any death nor overdose. DUI is a complete joke when cannabis is the only substance in play and yet they still manage to penalize individuals as tho it's something much worse. Tickets, AODA assessments, lawyer fees, asset forfeiture, interlock vehicle systems that require monthly servicing, SR22 requirements, occupational licenses, ect...
The USA is just as corrupt as some of the third world countries our government bitches about. It's just that we've gotten away with it because we violate our peoples rights by using statues or ordinances.
The war on drugs is actually a war against the people.
The judicial system has always been about money. Asset forfeiture is huge and very profitable. This war on cannabis is silly and clearly malicious. Cannabis has never been the sole cause of any death nor overdose. DUI is a complete joke when cannabis is the only substance in play and yet they still manage to penalize individuals as tho it's something much worse. Tickets, AODA assessments, lawyer fees, asset forfeiture, interlock vehicle systems that require monthly servicing, SR22 requirements, occupational licenses, ect...
The USA is just as corrupt as some of the third world countries our government bitches about. It's just that we've gotten away with it because we violate our peoples rights by using statues or ordinances.
The war on drugs is actually a war against the people.
That is what is so frustrating about the term "defund the police". You couldn't pick a more easily targeted slogan.

Just move resources away from small crimes. It's INHIBITING the economy for everyone else & primarily targeting the poor.

A little while back I counted six police cars in a half-mile stretch of road near me. None appeared to be on call.
That is what is so frustrating about the term "defund the police". You couldn't pick a more easily targeted slogan.

Just move resources away from small crimes. It's INHIBITING the economy for everyone else & primarily targeting the poor.
And a race thing too. The African American population in particular.
If you worried about getting caught you shouldn't be on.Here they don't look much no more not enough money..Where im at you dont see many po po .You cant get passed the I P address on it..There is always some one trying to get you. No where near what it was..Here. Moonshine Smoke Not enough of us left to be looking for..
I'm absolutely concerned about getting caught but not concerned enough to stop me participating in the forum.
I'd grown for a lot of years before I joined a forum, the main reason for me joining is that I can't speak to anyone about one of my favorite hobbies, I don't have a lot of trust I've learned trustworthy folks are like rocking horses shit, the forum let's me speak to others who have a common interest without them knowing me.

Idk where you live but the police aren't exactly busy in rural areas if they get reliable info you're growing they'll be visiting you.
So if you’re paranoid don’t go on the internet
I thought the title only meant RIU
Most people who get hammered try hustling by stealing power
Small grows only get burned if the cops know the guy is hanging out in the local tavern soliciting sales
Every bartender hears things I guess you need to avoid bars and taverns too :roll:
So if you’re paranoid don’t go on the internet
I thought the title only meant RIU
Most people who get hammered try hustling by stealing power
Small grows only get burned if the cops know the guy is hanging out in the local tavern soliciting sales
Every bartender hears things I guess you need to avoid bars and taverns too :roll:
Love the new picture.
I would think that if people were getting knocked off due to posting online we would see it for ourselves.I myself don't think that is the case.It's 2022.The world has changed dramatically in the last 20 years when it comes to the weed scene.All the info in the first post was great for when OverGrow first popped up,but doesn't hold as much water in today's world in my eyes.
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