Read the 420magazine guide but still not sure wtf is up :(


Active Member
Hey guise,this is my first thread. Awesome forum I have to say, kept me reading for days :)I thought my first thread would be about another reason than plant problems... but I do have them and I read the guide at many of these problems do have similar symptoms so I am still not sure what it is. This is not my first grow really, but the first "serious" grow. And these will be mother plants, so I have to keep them healthy. I thought maybe you could help me out here... I attached the photos.Many thanks so far!GreetsGeniack



wassup! imho leaves wilting - might be overwatering, burns - cannt tell you now, but have the same problem. I got to conclusion that it might be nut burns or mag def. What's your water PH?


"me big plant"... "you little pot"... Tarzan say "Root bound..." Check the roots man, do they come straight out??? looks like a root issue.....


Active Member
Thanks for the fast reply :)

I'm really worried... It's standard soil, got some perlite in it... temp's is a little high, about 32 ° C ... but after all what I have read I could fix that up with more CO2 induction, so I built one like one of these DIY CO2 reactors with yeast and sugar...

It's a micro / stealth project so I think I dont have to worry that much about that CO2 thing.
Lights is CFL - 2 x 23 Watts, PH is about 7, using hesi nutes

I overnuted them at the beginning so they turned out very wrinkled.. bla blah noob.. I know, I shouldnt have nute them before the first two weeks :) But I flushed them and they have grown okay, but recently this turned up, I have some 1/4 nute hesi vegging mixture which I sprayed on the leaves... I would say the leaves turned more dark again on the beginning of the leaves, but can't really tell if it got better...



Active Member
"me big plant"... "you little pot"... Tarzan say "Root bound..." Check the roots man, do they come straight out??? looks like a root issue.....
I have another test clone running in my flower chamber with the same pot size and the buds dripping like a motherfreaker :D I'm just worried about these vegging plants... as I said... it's a micro project... just some regular buds, nothing fancy ;)


Active Member
I have another test clone running in my flower chamber with the same pot size and the buds dripping like a motherfreaker :D I'm just worried about these vegging plants... as I said... it's a micro project... just some regular buds, nothing fancy ;)
And these plants will be mother plants, bonsai plants, keeping them as small as possible. And the roots are not coming out yet, I topped it today, it got 4 leaves now. These issues was existent before that.


Well-Known Member
Looks like too much nitrogen to me...perhaps just give them plain water for a few feedings...and make sure the cup is dry before you water.


Active Member
It's either overfeeding or overwatering, although in soil they are the same thing.
So I'll try to water with normal water and just when it's dried out, just as much that a little bit comes out of the pot at the bottom? Will these leaves turn better again or will they simply stay like this if I fix the cause of the problem?