read plz got pic's


Well-Known Member
ok so i finally took pics of 3 of the problems someone answerd and said it was overwatering this probably could not be one of the reasons cuzz i let the soil dry pritty well before i water and i ph'ed my water it's fine and i let water stand 24hour if not longer before used.the curling of the leaves happend over night along with a oily substance on some of the leaves i cut the leaves with the oil stuff on them cuzz they pritty much any help or if anyone knows what to do or what i gotta get let me know plz


Well-Known Member
How hot is it in your grow room? Whats the humidity? What kind of lighting? and how close are the lights to the affected leaves?


Active Member
Maybe they are diseased... or some type of bugs are ruining them? Also check the factors that he stated ^^.


Well-Known Member
trusten, how often do you water your babies? that leaves look damn droopy and that is normally a sign for over-watering them and not heat;)


Well-Known Member
when the dirt is about 2-3 inches dry below usually i use cfl's and there not close enough to burn.i got like a 5dollar ph test good for like only 1time and it said if it comes in dark green then the ph is good and it came back dark i usually water 4-6 days depending on how damp the soil is.i have a oscilateing fan getting the plant good left on 24hours


Well-Known Member
yes i did use some nutes but only 2 times then stopped doobsday were can i get a good but yet inexpensive ph meter or whatever there called


Well-Known Member
so any help or if anyone knows what to do or what i gotta get let me know plz

The last picture is definitely Magnesium deficiency - the other pictures look like nutrient overdose. Sounds odd having one plant with a deficiency and the others overdosed, but what's probably happening is nutrient lockout of some nutrients but not others probably caused by either 1) wrong water ph but unlikely, 2) high chlorinity or salinity of your water or 3) cold soil temperature or extremes of lights off lights on temperatures.

Having you been feeding it any nutrients?


Well-Known Member
one way would be ebay, other way would be aquaria shops. garden centers carry also cheap ph testers which of cause are not to accurate but ruffly work if you gauge them with pH strips as reference;) hydro shops carry them of cause too:D


Well-Known Member
i only fed it miracle grow bloombooster once and a fertilizer stick.if it's a ph problem were can i get a ph meter and the ph up and down stuff?


Well-Known Member

The last picture is definitely Magnesium deficiency - the other pictures look like nutrient overdose. Sounds odd having one plant with a deficiency and the others overdosed, but what's probably happening is nutrient lockout of some nutrients but not others probably caused by either 1) wrong water ph but unlikely, 2) high chlorinity or salinity of your water or 3) cold soil temperature or extremes of lights off lights on temperatures.

Having you been feeding it any nutrients?
he stated that he had twice, both times i guess un-pH-ed, he stated nothing about themps nor de-clorine treatment of is water if im corect.

could be extreme themps since is leaves show a bit reddish/purple discoloration in one pic:-|


Well-Known Member
wow would it be better off to get a ph tester and thro those plants out and use my other plants that are doing very well in veg and flower them once they get bigger? cuzz idk how to give it more magnesium and ebay takes awhile to ship so it might not make it in time.doesn't leaving your water out for 24 hours or longer get rid of most of the bad stuff and lvl the ph out?


Well-Known Member
i only fed it miracle grow bloombooster once and a fertilizer stick.if it's a ph problem were can i get a ph meter and the ph up and down stuff?
Don't feed it any more nutrients until you figure out what's causing the problem. My betting is, it's the high salinity/chlorinity of your water - try letting the water stand for at least 24 hours before feeding your plants. Check the water ph and make sure it's between 6 and 7 and make sure the soil isn't cold at night.


Well-Known Member
thanks babygro i always let my water stand for 24hours or even longer.were can i get a ph meter and the ph upper and downer to go along with it?.and how do i keep the soil warm?.my plants are in the garage theres 2 garage doors 1 is a regular one for cars and then in the back is a wooden garage door opener for boats i keep both of these close except when cars leave and enter


Well-Known Member
wow would it be better off to get a ph tester and thro those plants out and use my other plants that are doing very well in veg and flower them once they get bigger? cuzz idk how to give it more magnesium and ebay takes awhile to ship so it might not make it in time.doesn't leaving your water out for 24 hours or longer get rid of most of the bad stuff and lvl the ph out?
get the yellow pages out and check for aquatic or hydro shops in your area or got to the next garden center and as there, maybe phone in first and check with them;)


Well-Known Member
ok thanks guys sorry for being so newbie and thanks for haveing patiance with me.babygro im just wondering how do u keep the soil warm?


Well-Known Member
thanks babygro i always let my water stand for 24hours or even longer.were can i get a ph meter and the ph upper and downer to go along with it?.and how do i keep the soil warm?.my plants are in the garage theres 2 garage doors 1 is a regular one for cars and then in the back is a wooden garage door opener for boats i keep both of these close except when cars leave and enter
aquatic stores, it is needed for fish tanks;) or use vinegar and baking powder;)

i told you that with the pH meter more then once now;)

ele. heating pads, pet shop for tanks, aquatics too, garden centers...

or just keep your pots of the ground, put them on styropfome or stuff like that (don't mix with heating pads!)


Well-Known Member
heres some natural ways to lower and raise ph.

to raise ph:
dolomite lime, wood ash, bone meal, crushed marble, crushed shells.

to lower ph:
sawdust, lemon juice, cottonseed meal, wood chips, peat moss