Re-vegging without pressure to actually succeed...


Well-Known Member
i am apparently revegging one, and maybe 2 master kush plants i harvested about a month ago. i had no plans for them but i needed something that would hold some moisture in my grow tent to help increase humidity in this asshat of a winter weather we are having. my rh is in the 20's without the felt pots being fully watered so i have been watering them. well, one plant is showing some nice growth and the other is starting to show some nubby stuff. i think i need to blast them with a bit more nutes than i have and am planning on taking care of that a bit later today or tomorrow...

a friend of mine who was a master hot pepper grower told me once that if you treat don't baby a plant, it will grow strong. i think he was on to something. rip mr. kurzbacher...



Well-Known Member
i replanted the one that appears to be growing. i knocked off maybe half the dirt and roots. the other one looks to be getting some new knubs on it so maybe that will start growing as well...


Well-Known Member
They always come back if you give them long enough lite cycle. Honestly I wouldn't be feeding much at this point tho, they still look kinda small and you might be better off waiting. Your right at that mark when they should get going tho. With my experience I have seen them take from 4-6 weeks before true growth gets going. A guy just told me yesterday he had one take 7 weeks and then grew real slow after..?
Good luck and have fun with those.


Well-Known Member
My revegged plants are at like a 20% survival rate..I reveg all my ladies
Watering them is the killer.or cutting the plant down after recently watering.. They can't maintain the same levels of transpiration with the root mass already developed
I highly doubt it had anything to do with the ph


Well-Known Member
thx qwizo. i feel a little better. sometimes i think the more i pay attention to a plant, the more i kill it with kindness. i actually killed a cactus once that i had ignored for years then thought it was looking pretty good so i started to 'care' for it like the abominable snow monster in the bugs bunny cartoon...


Well-Known Member
ill be revegging a plant with pressure to succeed lol the clone didnt take and shes now in week 6 of flower