Re-vegging a plant with no fan leaves.

Okay so there was a catastrophe that went down (me being extremely impatient) I cut the budding part of my plant. I basically topped my flowering plant. Yea I know super dumb noob move, but now that we are over it.. While the plant was flowering the lower leaves started crumbling away, it made its way to the fourth node. So I cut right above that.

Now I'm doing a stealth grow so it's a small plant.

My plan is to re-veg this plant until it grows nice sized leaves, then flower again.

My question is can I re-veg this plant with no fan leaves or anything? I put it under a 24/0 light schedule.




Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to make fun. but i actually laughed that hard.
Start over man. Unless this is an experiment where you might end up vegging for 12 months and get no bud, and your fine with that.


Well-Known Member
its totally fucked. stop spending money on seeds and clones. buy the finished product. or your throwing money away. this is the very worst plant ever , worst then one I commented on last week.


Well-Known Member
Take out the light and don't water till completely dry. She cant transpire or photosynthesize.. She may sprout especially on the first watering after it dries.
Revegging after harvest is done all the time but you do want to leave at least a couple leaves. I have seen many plants return from something like this though
But I'm concerned how stretchy the stem is. Bury that up....what's the story on this plant and why does it look the way it does
Lol. Well yea it's bad, it was stretching like that cause it was my first plant ever and I read that defoliating leaves are beneficial. But that clearly wasn't the case.

I guess if no one can answer my question, I'll use it as an experiment. I've seen people main line their plant and it'll be like four nubs with no leaves and still grow out to be a great plant.


Well-Known Member
highly doubt it will survive, but it might.. i would plant another seed and be prepared for it to die. if it doesnt die, its stressed to hell and may hermie.


Active Member
That is the funniest thing I've ever seen thank you so very much for the laugh friend.


Weed Modifier
Only way to find out is to try and see...people told me my plant wouldn't make it... but I had patience and it survived...mj is very resilient and you would be surprised as to what they can go through ;)