Re-vegetative is ok?

Hello everybody i have a question about my mistake... accidentally i turn the lights 12/12 for two days in vegitive then i turn backed 18/6 for a few days ago and now unfortunately i see some pistils here is my questions is girls start flowering and what should i do now should I continue to flowering or should i forced re-vegitive actually during this week and still light is 18/6 please help what should i do thank you


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on Presexing the plant, now You have to decide whether You want to Clone Her or continue Flowering until Harvest.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
You have basically monster cropped your plants. This might turn out better than you think. If you have the space to continue veg at 18/6 for a few more weeks than do it. If they are already close to the size you want to bloom then flip back to 12/12 sooner rather than later. This won't cause damage or herms no matter what you decide.
So i want to continue 18/6 for a mounth and no problem am i right should i give hers more light maybe 22/2 for a week for forces vegging again is it good idea