Re-veg before harvest


Active Member
I put my flower outside to get maximum light about 5 weeks after flowering started. I had it outside all along but I was very diligent in bringing it in so it only got 12 hours. Well I have left the plant out full time now and after about 2 weeks this thing started to grow like it was vegging again. Now there is maybe an ounce on this plant, super thick and dense buds. The tops of the buds have stems protruding up and they have calyx's and pistils but they are further apart and the stem has a huge amount of crystals. Should I let it continue to see what happens or maybe harvest the cola and let the side branches do what they are doing?


Active Member
New growth is rampant. All buds are growing longer stems and the bottom branches are turning into what looks like a new plant with side branches of their own. Plant even smells green again.