Re-Using Soil

Patch Buddey

Active Member
The only soil I can easily get is either Scots with nutrients added or Miracle Grow. I have used both, and both seem to burn my plants. (small indoor grow, one plant). Miracle Grow is def worse, but the Scots burned my leafs too. I assume it is the added nutrients. Anyway, this time I re-used soil that I had sitting in pot after harvesting another plant. I chopped it up a bit with a tool, just to break up any remaining roots, and got it nice and tilled. The plant I have growing now is the most beautiful, full green plant yet. Has been going for over a month, and looks great. I would have had some brown leafs or spotty leafs by now.

SO, is this luck? Coincidence? Does this make sense? Could I re-use it again as long as I am adding nutrients on my own at good levels?


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt even re-use it once.. you got lucky this time.. it will keep a build up of all the salts n nutes u have been using.. dont be cheap n get some good ol potting soil for 2.50 a bag..


Well-Known Member
I reuse my soil. If u flush well b4 havest the salts will be washed away. In that respect, so will the nutes in ur soil so more feedings will be needed


Active Member
Using a good organic potting soil is a great way not to get nute burn. Look around the internet i'm sure you can get a lbs of soil sent to you.


Well-Known Member
i reuse my soil all the time, you just have to run shit loads of water through it before reusing it, or use a flushing agent like Florakleen which strips it of old ferts, dirt is dirt, you just gotta clean it up first haha i have never ran into any issues.

Patch Buddey

Active Member
Cool, thanks all. I have been to all the Home Depots in my area and can only get Scots and Miracle grow. I guess I need to expand my search, or make sure I really flush the soil if I reuse.


Well-Known Member
The only soil I can easily get is either Scots with nutrients added or Miracle Grow. I have used both, and both seem to burn my plants. (small indoor grow, one plant). Miracle Grow is def worse, but the Scots burned my leafs too. I assume it is the added nutrients. Anyway, this time I re-used soil that I had sitting in pot after harvesting another plant. I chopped it up a bit with a tool, just to break up any remaining roots, and got it nice and tilled. The plant I have growing now is the most beautiful, full green plant yet. Has been going for over a month, and looks great. I would have had some brown leafs or spotty leafs by now.

SO, is this luck? Coincidence? Does this make sense? Could I re-use it again as long as I am adding nutrients on my own at good levels?
i have reused my promix4 3 times.i never had a problem,but that's the bush whacker in me,


Well-Known Member
Flushed will work fine. Remember that your previous plant used all the nutes, so ur probably gonna need to pick some up shortly. Reduce, REUSE, Recycle

Patch Buddey

Active Member
Thanks all! 4th plant and the best looking plant out of them all, in reused soil. Should harvest late Jan-Feb.

Pic attached....
