Re-Using AACT mix w/ new water


Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing and new to organics. I've brewed some AACT's in the past several weeks, but I'm wondering if I could re-use the mix of ingredients.

When I'm done brewing for 24 hours, I'm left with a 5 gallon bucket of foamy tea. After using all of this tea, could I add 5 more gallons of fresh water and 5 Tablespoons of Molasses and brew another tea using the same tea mix? Would this work? I usually just throw it out, but I could definitely use 10 gallons of tea instead of 5.

Thanks for your help!


Well-Known Member
No doubt you can but i wouldn't because your not sure what's left and questions often hurt unanswered so Imo just do free and throw lefts overs in compost/worm bin/ cooking soil. Organic mess blow Chem away besides yield but their yields are huge and nasty tasting bud that gives you a headache lol any pics of your grow? Your profile pic is kickass. Check out gandalf the greens thread and hoots if you want a ton of answers and advice will be answered by many experts. Have a good day.


Well-Known Member
If you're talking about a true AACT (not a nutrient tea), just mix your 5 gallons of tea with 5 gallons of water. Then you have 10 gallons of tea that's nearly as effective as full strength.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. This time around I did re use the mix and it seemed to be fine.

if you're making a nutrient tea, do you specifically feed it full strength? I'm new to all this and appreciate the help.
may11th, check the link in my sig to see my first grow so far :) I just posted some updated photos last night.


Well-Known Member
For nutrient tea, it just depends how strong you make it. There isn't really a "rule of thumb" on that one.

I usually only need 5 gallons at a time, so I just make my alfalfa/kelp teas dilute enough to use full-strength. If you need to make more than your brewer can handle, just make it a little stronger and dilute. I then "recycle" the leftover kelp/alfalfa mush by feeding it to my worm bins, where it becomes worm castings for a later brew.

This idea doesn't apply to AACT, which does best with rather specific proportions. Adding more than the ideal amount of inputs to an AACT won't result in a "stronger" or "better" tea. It's better to brew a good tea with a diverse set of microbes, then dilute it down a little for more "mileage".