

Active Member
Right now my plants are a bit over 2 weeks old and they are in Dixie cups still... When should I move them into a bigger pot like a 5 gallon pot???


Well-Known Member
um you should move them into a 2gallon pot first and wait about 3 more days to be safe


Active Member
Ok, I'm gonna go out and get some 2gallon ones then, but Do you know the easiest way for a transplant if I want to get rid of the soil that they are in right now and use different soil, cause there some bugs in the soil I used...

Thanks bro


Active Member
I know I don't want bugs in my soil, thats why I'm planning on transplanting into new soil, I was just wondering whats the easiest way to transplant the plants into new soil, while causing minimal stress and not sending them into shock...

let me know, thanks


Well-Known Member
I know I don't want bugs in my soil, thats why I'm planning on transplanting into new soil, I was just wondering whats the easiest way to transplant the plants into new soil, while causing minimal stress and not sending them into shock...

let me know, thanks
well heres how i do it.. but u can use any pot youd like...
i drilled a bunch of holes in the bottom of my 2 ten gallon rubbermaid containers ( i originally planned to house all 6 plants in these 2 but have now decided to put 2 in each container so i need to go get another one ) .. then i filled them about 1 - 1.5 inches with perlite for drainage..

next i filled them 3/4 way up with B'Cuzz..

i gave that a good watering with PHed water and superthrive.. then i proceeded with the next step


a good tap or two and presto

then i placed it in the container.. topped it off with some more B'Cuzz.. then gave it some more water..

heres what they look like in their new home



Active Member
Right, I understand the concept of a transfer, but when you made your transfer, you didn't change out the soil, you used the same soil you had it in before... I need to know how to transfer into new soil without freaking out my plants


Well-Known Member
ok.. well its advised that u dont switch soil types ( as u probably know ) but if u have to i would make sure that i get plenty of PH balanced water, flush the soil your in the pot your going to transplant into real good... then pot the plant and give it some PHed water with superthrive... continue using superthrive with the water throughout the life of the plant.. its very helpful in stimulating root development.. it also helps in reducing shock in transplanting .. there are other products that are also intended to reduce transplant shock but im not familiar with them.. i just use superthrive with great results..


Active Member
alright, but whats the easiest and least shocking way to get the roots out of the Dixie Cup's soil???

Or would it be easier to keep them in the same soil, since I still have the big bag of Miracle Grow, use some neem oil to kill off the bugs that are in the Dixie cups (hopefully), and maybe bake some of the other soil to sterilize it and kill the bugs in it? I could even spray some of the chemicals I have onto the soil before I bake it for a bit to sterilize it...

What would be best?? I just want nice, healthy plants, Please help