Re potted, 7 days to water? More?less?

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
I just Transplanted (6 days ago) from solo cups to 3 gal pots and plan on waiting 7 days to water or more to water. I want to try to get them dry as possible to allow the roots to
Stretch out as much as possible into the new soil.
Am I on the right track with this idea? Anyone else wait this long to water after transplant?
last night I seen a few inches down the soil was still moist/wet so I'm pretty sure I'm okay.

Here is some info on my crop:
-1000w mh
-30" from plants (about, maybe 1 or 2" less)
-3 gal pots with fox farm ocean forest with about a 25-33% perlite
- temps stay around 70-75f day and down to around 59f night
You went from solo cups to 3 gallon pots? Almost guarantee you will have moisture, root, growth and nutrient problems.
You went from solo cups to 3 gallon pots? Almost guarantee you will have moisture, root, growth and nutrient problems.

Well at this point dude it is what it is, their already in their. But to me it seems like their growth shoot up big time since transplant.

Since the roots are still growing out from the solo cup soil should I wait longer for the first watering or 2? Like atleast 7 days or more?? Wen I dig a few inches down into the soil it is still moist/wet.
How well does your soil drain?

I only watered once when I transplanted and it seemed to me that it kinda holds water well; it took several mins atleast for some water to drain out from the bottom from when I WATEred. My soil is about a 70%/25%-30%. FFOF/perlite.
If you're careful, you won't have problems, but most people do. I was just trying to give you some hints as to what to look for so you can stay ahead of it.

I would suggest watering only around the plant, no need to soak the pot it will take too long to dry. Visualize where the roots are, and water there.
If you're careful, you won't have problems, but most people do. I was just trying to give you some hints as to what to look for so you can stay ahead of it.

I would suggest watering only around the plant, no need to soak the pot it will take too long to dry. Visualize where the roots are, and water there.

What do you mean "water around the pot?". But Thanks for the advice dude So if i got this right your saying ideally for now I shoul only water the center of the pot? Whitch where the roots are? For now I really don't think they spreaded out too far from their. Sorry for The noob questions, I'm not a pot grower....yet :)
Also today makes 7 days since transplant and watering. I gave the 3 gal pots a health dose of water, about a 1/2 gallon each. Is 7+ days too long between watering? Anyone else wait this long to water when transplanting for a solo cup to 3gals or more? My idea is to let it dry out as much as possible sp the roots can stretch out as much as possible in search. Of that water.
If you're careful, you won't have problems, but most people do. I was just trying to give you some hints as to what to look for so you can stay ahead of it.

I would suggest watering only around the plant, no need to soak the pot it will take too long to dry. Visualize where the roots are, and water there.

I agree. Whenever I water I do it from the base of the plant and then wait till I see runoff and stop. I rarely have issues with under/over the end of the day i find it's best to keep the girls a little thirsty.

As for transplanting, I give a good thorough watering after I've transplanted and then water as I normally do thereafter. Never had any problems. I do sometimes find the soil compacts a little after that first watering but I just top that off with a little extra soil. My mix tends to be my potting soil mixed with 25% worm castings and 25% perlite. The potting soils I start with are Ocean forest, Ednas Best Potting Mix, or EB Stone recipe 420 potting soil

The EB stone 420 potting soil is really good stuff specially blended for our ladies. You can find it at the better nurseries here in NORCAL.
I asked about the drainage of your soil hoping that you would have said it drains fast. If it holds a lot of moisture for long periods, your roots will never get a chance to be in dry'ish soil leading to root problems. A small plant can not use up the moisture fast enough in a large container.

I would go with the advice of watering the area the roots are in and do it slowly so the water can drain down into the roots. if you pour the water to fast it will flood the top and moisten the whole pot.
Also today makes 7 days since transplant and watering. I gave the 3 gal pots a health dose of water, about a 1/2 gallon each. Is 7+ days too long between watering? Anyone else wait this long to water when transplanting for a solo cup to 3gals or more? My idea is to let it dry out as much as possible sp the roots can stretch out as much as possible in search. Of that water.

I check them everyday with a moisture probe (you can find them everywhere: Home Depot, Lowes, Wally World, etc...). I prefer not to follow a set schedule and water the girls when they need it.
Hey CC, easiest and most foolproof way to water is to set your pot in a pan of water. Let it suck it up from below. Add a bit from above but not much. Generally I find if I let plants dry out well I use about 10% of my soil volume to water. i.e. 5 gallon pot = .5 gallon of water. Your mileage will vary depending on your soil.

Pot plants do not like soggy soil, so less is good.
Has anyone personally waited 7+ days to water? They seem happy now and somewhat moist deeper into the soil so I'm assuming I'm okay right now (7 days from last watering). Also if they show signs of underwater, like leaves drooping, would this be too late to water without any permanent ill effects to my girls?? Sorry for all the questions, I'm still learning an need all te help I can get!
What are your temps. I go dixie to 1 gal and alwayals loosen up the root system before I transplant with my hand. Transplant water then place into tent sometimes itll be 5 days before I.need to.water while roots are developing

I have waited longer than 7 days many times. I only ever water when the plant is thirsty, regardless of time elapsed.

If in doubt as to water...don't.
What do you mean "water around the pot?". But Thanks for the advice dude So if i got this right your saying ideally for now I shoul only water the center of the pot? Whitch where the roots are? For now I really don't think they spreaded out too far from their. Sorry for The noob questions, I'm not a pot grower....yet :)

Yes you got it, water where the roots should be.

Only stupid question is the one not asked.

I'm a new-b as well in many ways. I love to see what I can do to help others, but the rest of the time, I go to the advanced section because there, I am a new-b and that way I learn from the pros.
The leaves will droop. The potted plant will be lightweight.

When you water really really dry soil, put a drop of dishsoap in the water, shake, then add to the plants. It helps the soil become wet evenly, reducing or eliminating dry areas.