

Active Member
Hey people,

My frend harvested a plant, when doing so he tryed to leave as many fan leaves and stems on as he could, he then took it to the woods and re-planted it, well its been 3 weeks and not much growth leave wise but very small leaves with a few white pistils are coming through at the bottom(pop corn buds),

its not getting direct light and minimal amounts of indirect light,

Has any1 planted a harvest plant in the woods or in there yards, what was the outcome?


Well-Known Member
its not getting direct light and minimal amounts of indirect light,
Well, there's your problem! Most outdoor grows do best with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight, and just about as much indirect sun light as they can get. I've used full sun, sun-up to sun-down, never had a prblem, the more the better!

Oops! forgot you were asking about re-vegging! Please disregard.