Alright so assuming that you ARE going to be using a reservoir as well as a control bucket, you want to connect the res to the control using a float valve. Essentially, you'll drill a small hole in the control where you want the water level to remain at, I generally keep the water an inch or two below the bottom of the net pot. Next you'll screw the float valve into the control bucket hole and then connect the threaded barb that the float valve has to a threaded barb connector that you will insert in the bottom of the res. What this will accomplish is when the water level in the control drops, the float valve opens and allows water/nutrients to flow from the res into the control.
Now as far as mixing your nutes goes, you'll want to add all the water to your system via the control bucket, if you go with the 2" pvc pipes to connect the buckets the flow is amazing and the water will evenly distribute itself throughout the system almost instantly. As far as your 82L tote goes, whatever level you have your water at in the control is the level its going to be at in your buckets. My suggestion is that you go to any grocery store and buy one of those 4 gallon filtered water bottles and use that as a measuring tool to accurately measure how many gallons are going into your system (this will be very important as the amount of nutes you will add in is relative to the amount of water you have in your system). Now once you have your water filled to an appropriate level, it's time to add in your nutes. I use advanced nutrient's line-up of pH perfect grow and bloom fertilzers with some boosters added in. Advanced says to feed 4mL per L of water once a week with weekly water changes (flipping out your whole nutrient solution and adding in a fresh one). Personally, I don't go by their calculators. I start at 1mL per L and then work up from there until I have an ideal ppm. PPM will vary greatly depending on what strain you grow, what light you have, and the age of the plant. My plants are nearly two months old now and they're at a ppm of 850 give or take and they are absolutely loving life. Starting out though you're going to want like 100-200 ppm and then bump it up as the plant gets bigger. But again, all you have to do is know how much water you have in your system, read the bottle of whatever nutrient you decide to go with, then cut their feeding estimate in half, get yourself a measuring cup that has mL on it, measure yourself out some nutes, and pour them directly into your control bucket. Note: nutes should be added one at a time and allowed to circulate through the system for a minute before you add in subsequent nutes. Last but certainly not least, once the nutes are fully circulated through the system (mine takes about 5-10 mintues to fully mix all the nutes in and balance out the solution) then you're going to want to pH your water. Shoot for 5.8 as this is the ideal pH for hydro. And remember, make sure you invest in a constant read meter that shows pH, PPM, and temp. I have the nutra-dip tri-meter which I love and you can pick up for around $165. This is something that you will absolutely need and do not skimp on it and get a cheap one, you're going to want to know exactly what's going on in that nutrient solution at any given time.
Now as far as the water pump goes, as I discussed before, you want to run it inline. Place the pump in front of the control bucket between the control and the grow buckets. Remember the pvc tee I was talking about? Connect preferably black vinyl tubing to the tee (you'll need to screw in a threaded barb to the pvc tee in order to do this) and then connect the tubing to the water pump's inlet. Then connect the outlet of the water pump to some more vinyl tubing and run it straight up and into the top of the control. This will give you a waterfall effect adding more oxygen into the nutrient solution as well as providing the needed circulation to keep the system running smoothly. I would not go with a 400GPH pump though, that's going to be WAY overkill if you are only going to be running two grow sites, a 250GPH mag-drive pump is all you'll need. Go to and shop around, they have literally everything you could ever want or need and it's the best prices around.
Not too sure about posting pics from an andriod phone, sorry! Try uploading them to your computer first then adding them from your desktop.