Thanks for sharing your experience man. Things have been a roller coaster since I posted last. I got the ppm's up and dried the rockwool out. Plants looked better for a while, started getting the brown slime Algae which I always thought was just root rot, but I have since learned all about the wonderful world of cyanobacteria. I have no interest in running a live res, sterile has always been my goal so I tried the following.
I tried the conventional stuff, cleaned and scrubbed everything, frequent water changes, lots of DM Zone, H2O2, and some SM-90 here and there. I ended up soaking them one by one in a strong bath of H2O2 while periodically pulling them out to rinse the roots off with a sprayer in the sink. The roots were bad but not terrible, and this cleaned them up pretty well.
After the soak and rinse I soaked them for a few more hours in a slightly less aggressive H2O2 and SM-90 solution while I scrubbed the shit out of my system and ran a few cycles of sterilizing solution through it. I flushed and rinsed till there were no particles left in my filters, I even sprayed the pipes connecting the modules with high pressure water, zero particles of anything. I could not have cleaned the system more thoroughly. I then rinsed the roots off one more time and put them back in the system. Next day brown shit all around the inside of the buckets at the water line.
I did more research, ordered some Physan 20 and kept the system as clean as I could while waiting for my nuke to arrive.
Got the Physan, fucken BLASTED the system with it, repeated everything I did before with the H2O2 and shit, only this time I used the Physan aswell.
The Physan foamed like crazy, it was kinda neat to watch that shit work, its fucken brutal! Next day:
Flushed, scrubbed, sterilized, flushed, scrubbed, put plants back in system with 1ml/3 gallons of Physan as recommended, along with DMZ and a light nutrient mixture, let that run for 3 days as recommended.
Next day, or 2 days, I can't remember, I came down to check the buckets and this was in there:
Cleaned that up, did the whole Rigmarole again, scrubbed, soaked, sprayed off. I put some of the 3" net pots into 8" ones and filled in with hydroton, got some more lids for my buckets and made holes for the new net pots. I only did this for the 3 best looking plants as I was sure I was shocking the shit out of them with all the rinsing, and chems and whatnot.
Last night, after cleaning up again I started thinking I should just take clones off the best looking ones and start over after a complete system overhaul.
This is how they look today:
The ones on the left looked "ok" yesterday, but today:
And this shit is in all the buckets, along the waterline mostly, but up the sides of the buckets too from the foaming that occurs when Physan is initially added:
Shit is like fucken TAR, its absurd....
I don't know what I'm going to do, there are a few things I am considering:
1) Clean everything out and try to get as many of them looking "decent" as I can and take clones as soon as they perk up a little.
2) Move the 3 best looking ones into bubble buckets to try and nurse back to health while overhauling the system. From there either put full plants back in, or take clones.
3) Throw plants out, overhaul system, and start from seed again.
4) Set my grow room on fire and shoot myself in the fucking face.
System overhaul would include a very very thorough sterilization involving multiple chems, system tweaks that would allow me to react more quickly if problems arise, adding UV to my RO, and I am seriously looking into Ozone for constant air and surface sterilization, as well as periodic water/bucket treatments by running the O3 through my bubblers if things start looking anything less than perfect.
Any ideas/advice from people experienced with any of these methods would be appreciated.
I believe I am aware of all of the complications associated with running UV and Ozone, and am prepared to compensate for them. I have also done a lot of research on the Physan, and while I feel like the treatments are part of the reason the plants are wilting and dying, I have not found any reputable research or literature to support this.
Also, I am currently using AN Sensi nutes. I really want to dump them but I have a gallon of each and I just can't spend any more money on nutes after dropping $200 for just the A/B Grow and Bloom.
I have no idea if the AN nutes have anything to do with any of my problems, and while I'm guessing they do NOT, I think I might want to run the Ionic or Current Culture lines. The only reason I feel that was is because Ionic and CC say they are designed specifically for RDWC. I have no idea if that is a reasonable thing to consider or not. All my instincts say high end nutes are high end nutes, and in the grand scheme switching would make very little difference.
I would appreciate input about Nutrients for RDWC based on experience and empirical data. I have no interest in Anecdotal thoughts/advice when it comes to nutrients and the like.
I mean no disrespect but I am a very science oriented grower. This is the only way I am able to approach, and make progress, in my grows. Its the only way I can make sense of the processes required to be successful at growing. (think ADHD, OCD, and the like

Thanks for reading, Brothers and Sisters,