RDWC Airstone Location


Active Member
Hey everyone,

I couldn't find a thread that had already covered this topic and wanted to ask your opinions on a matter.

If I ran an RDWC system with airstones only in the rez..... would it be an issue providing that:

1. I have 2 airstones in my 11 Gallon Rez (16 Gal total system)
2. I have a powerhead in my rez for bio filtration
3. Both the return Line and Powerhead have a 5 inch drop back to the rez for some DO
4. The system's total capacity of 16 Gallons is re-circulated 7.5 times an hour.

My feed line can be placed at the top of my bucket to create a 2 inch pump pressured fall to create DO. I would rather have the feed line go to the bottom of the bucket to full circulate the water.... rather then just splashing on the surface and draining out the top. If I pump water in in from the bottom of the bucket and drain from the top..... it seems like a better idea.




Active Member
Really? I thought this setup was quite simple in the grand scheme of things..... I don't have a lot of experience but I have ready a lot. Just not sure on the 5 gallon bucket without an airstone. If I have a ton of DO in the rez.... will my water pump circulate that DO to the bucket?