RDWC 1000 watt Gorilla Tent, T5 Mother Area, T5 pre-veg tent, Cloning Station

Cool. I've looked into chillers with coils before. Got any pics so I can get a better idea of your rig?

Luckily, once I flip to 12/12 and the canopy completely shades the totes and plumbing, my chiller rarely turns on. The ten drops into the mid 60s during dark cycle so the water really cools off. By the time the water reaches the low 70s, it's back to dark again. It's the 18/6 cycle with smaller, vegging plants when it actually runs on and off during the last 6 - 8 hours of daylight.
I cant take a pic right now I have everything apart for a thorough cleaning since I lost my entire last grow to powdery mildew because I didn't defoliate when I first flipped them into flower and they got insanely bushy and by the time I noticed and started to spray it kept coming back stronger even with humidity around 40% so I made the terrible decision to trash everything two weeks from harvest. First time in a decade of growing I ever had it and it was as terrible as advertised but anyway enough rambling I will be finished putting everything back tomorrow and will snap some pics for you . Basically I run the lines from the chiller resovoir, into the chiller right next to it, then into my controller into the coil inside then out over to the first bucket into the coil inside and out over to the second into the coil inside and out over to the third bucket into the inside coil and out over to the coil inside the forth bucket and back to the resovoir. Run the pump to fill all the lines and coils then add enough water so that it does not run out. I have found it be a very efficient way to cool the water in my system
Eagle 20 EW my friend, Eagle 20 EW. It's staple here in the 707. Applied late veg & early flower it will keep PM at bay and is not be detectable in late flower testing....and, most of all,...it works!!
Eagle 20 EW my friend, Eagle 20 EW. It's staple here in the 707. Applied late veg & early flower it will keep PM at bay and is not be detectable in late flower testing....and, most of all,...it works!!
Yeah when I started looking up pm I read a lot about that stuff might give it a try , I use Magic Green from house and garden and that has always been a great foliar spray. Honestly I already know that it was a dumb ass lazy mistake on my part that brought it in that I will never do again. To make sure I never have to deal with that again I scrubbed the room like at least ten times over four days. Removed every screw and bolt from every fan and completely scrubbed and cleaned them, all new water piping, all new duct, new lights, and a new concrete floor ...I don't ever wanna experience that again.
To make sure I never have to deal with that again I scrubbed the room like at least ten times over four days. Removed every screw and bolt from every fan and completely scrubbed and cleaned them, all new water piping, all new duct, new lights, and a new concrete floor ...I don't ever wanna experience that again.

Holy shitballs Batman!! That's dedication right there.

Yeah, the Eagle 20 EW is systemic and stays within the plant for several weeks. I usually apply twice during veg and once at about week 2 - 3 in flower. It will be out of the plant's system by harvest time. I'm sure some unscrupulous growers apply it later to prevent bud rot, but I don't want it in my medicine (even thought it's FDA approved for fruit trees, etc.). A pint goes a LONG way as it's highly concentrated.
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Holy shitballs Batman!! That's dedication right there.

Yeah, the Eagle 20 EW is systemic and stays within the plant for several weeks. I usually apply twice during veg and once at about week 2 - 3 in flower. It will be out of the plant's system by harvest time. I'm sure some unscrupulous growers apply it later to prevent bud rot, but I don't want it in my medicine (even thought it's FDA approved for fruit trees, etc.). A pint goes a LONG way as it's highly concentrated.
Haha yeah I took it to an extreme level with the cleaning , but after having to trash a few pounds of of some beautiful buds two weeks before harvest is emotionally scarring. Even though I knew I had to trash it still took me a few days to go through with it , so I wanted to ensure myself it was gone and not coming back.
My hydro store doesn't carry Eagle 20 EW but I asked him to order me some, so I am gonna use that also in the first week like you said as a preventative measure , since it doesn't effect the harvested bud
Thank you for the input by the way appreciate it.
Cool. I've looked into chillers with coils before. Got any pics so I can get a better idea of your rig?

Luckily, once I flip to 12/12 and the canopy completely shades the totes and plumbing, my chiller rarely turns on. The ten drops into the mid 60s during dark cycle so the water really cools off. By the time the water reaches the low 70s, it's back to dark again. It's the 18/6 cycle with smaller, vegging plants when it actually runs on and off during the last 6 - 8 hours of daylight.
Things got crazy this week so it has taken me. Bit to get my room back together but here is a picture of my chiller setup. The coil in this picture is copper and only in there for about a week till I get new stainless steel. The method is pretty simple water from the chiller goes in one bucket through a coil at the bottom and then out the other side into the next bucket until the last bucket which then after it goes through the coil it returns the the chiller water res. I have found it be very efficient and only a small chiller needed since your only chilling recycled water in a closed loop. I also set my pump outside the bucket to reduce heat.


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