Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

Gonna switch to 12/12 in 3 or 4 days im just gonna keep the little fluro and not switch to cfls. Dont feel like spending more loot on an experimental grow lol. At least its a warm bulb so thats good. Should turn out decent im thinkin, they are definately weird looking tho for sure.
You need something better to do with your time.Plants want to grow up(like Ganja pointed out) and what you're doing is not going to work.Whenever I hear someone say"prolly" instead of probably....I know I'm going to hear some stupid shit...Anyway I just don't see the point.
You should prolly learn correct punctuation before you go around criticizing other people's abbreviations. :p
Gonna be a bit before i post some more pics, had to have foot surgery so i cant get to my area atm. Gonna have my fiancee water for me heh.
Here is an update even though my foot is fucked up due to the surgery.. hah. They are at day 21 and i just switched the timer to 12/12 to flower them. They are definately smaller than they are supposed to be at this age but its due to lack of airflow and drainage most likely. Because i have to keep them in sort of a confined space but ehh we will see how they turn out heheh.


I just put these confused ladies into flowering on day 21 they are at day 4 now ill update w some new pics tomm at some point. Looking forward to seeing what happens w em.
Whoops forgot to update this in a while, i definately will tommorrow tho for sure. The plants leaves have started to curl into themselves like heat stress but its never more than 85 in there. Anyways i threw a tiny fan in there for some air circulation and poked a couple small holes for some drainage. They arent lookin bad tho.


Active Member
the curled leaves may be dues to over watering.... you may want to be careful with that... how many do you have growing like that? it seems ones leaves are curling much more than the others.
I have only three plants like that all are shown in the pics. Its possible that they are over watered but they are in relatively small bags and i only water once a week with occasional misting. Those bags take forever to lose moisture tho, they lock it in for a while.


Active Member
yeah i bet they do.... hve you taken them out and checked the roots to see if they may be rotting a little? if they are staying really moist for more than a few days at a tie they are probly susceptible to rot. also are you leaving the bag opened on the top? otherwise you may be suffocatiing the soil some and not letting any fresh air to seep into the soil and the roots.
Yeah they prolly do need more air and drainage, the bags are always open at the top though. I think ill prolly just poke a couple holes in the bag near the bottom or somethin
So i pulled two of the upside down plants they were alive, but doing poorly. I took the remaining one and transplanted it into a large bag with new soil and a higher ratio of perlite to soil for better drainage will post a pic later
Heres a fewpics of the upside down plant, I had it on 12/12 for a long time 30 days or so and it didnt really grow or show signs of sex so i just threw it back on 18/6 for now. We will see what happens, not lookin good so far.. haha.


Yeah, it seems like heat stress to me too, but the temps are never over mid 80s, and thats what i have alll of my plants at pretty much. Im thinking that the plant has a way harder time growing bigger roots, cuz the other 2 plants i pulled the root systems were amazingly small.


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up, interesting grow, but im not sure if you've taken into account that since gravity is indeed in play here your roots are not going to grow upwards like you would want, they are going to try and grow down, so i have a pretty good feeling that all your roots are compiling at the bottom of the bag and are getting compacted.