Well-Known Member
The first pot dispensary to open in Langford has been raided by police just hours into its initial day in operation.

Bylaw officers say they told staff yesterday at Green Tree Medical Dispensary on Granderson Road, just off Goldstream, that Langford's land use bylaw only allows for medical cannabis to be sold by a licensed pharmacy.

Mayor Stew Young was on CFAX this morning.

"Langford has not approved it, and will not approve it, so they're there illegally right now. Our bylaw enforcement has already visited the site and told them not to open up. The RCMP are involved."

Hours later, CFAX listener caller Cory told us RCMP officers had moved in.

"They pulled the blinds down. There are black curtains over the door and windows now, but I can actually peek through the blinds right now and it looks like they're logging and bagging up all the product behind the counters."

So far, West Shore RCMP has been unavailable for comment.

Langford staff say changes to the land use bylaw that would allow for pot dispensaries likely won't be considered until guidelines are established by the federal government.
Here's the piece of shit who thinks he owns the place. Here is the number for the city hall if you feel like ragging them out.
Phone: 250-478-7882
I bet he drinks booze plenty good..shifty eyed bastard.
You can contact them here as well....email



Stewart Young grew up and attended school in Langford and is now a local business owner. Mayor Young was a Councillor when Langford was first incorporated in 1992. He was elected Mayor in December 1993, and has been declared Mayor in the following seven elections.
Bylaw officers say they told staff yesterday at Green Tree Medical Dispensary on Granderson Road, just off Goldstream, that Langford's land use bylaw only allows for medical cannabis to be sold by a licensed pharmacy.
HAHA making up bullshit I see. Considering pharmacies arent legally allowed to sell cannabis either, id love to hear their explanation on that. Meaning they made that shit up
when is this crap gonna end....come on its 2017....the anti's really need to contend that they have lost
already.....we won the rights to use as patients and before too long
there will be a legal rec market of some description out there for all to see.
Time this country grows up a little....I mean this is totally amateur night.....

that's the face of a GOOF...plain and simple would love to wipe that shit eating grin off with
a good back hand...
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Only 10 minutes down the road, Victoria is licensing dispensaries. I guess the mayor has decided he no longer wants to be a politician. Cannabis will be legal in 2018 when the next municipal elections take place, and most likely legally sold in dispensaries....those who have come out on the wrong side of public opinion will need to defend their previous actions.
On a side note, Langford is has always been a hole and I don't know why anyone would live there much less open a business.
Yeah bitchin at a loser politician aka "wall" will change his narrow mindedness... gotta love how lonely your lives are to shit on me... someone piss in your sandbox now you have to piss on someone else's. .. kinda pathetic
From the Colorado perspective; the sky won't fall with recreational cannabis, only the profits of the LPs, in my estimation a good thing as they're making money off the backs of the sick and poor.

If I cooked meth for a living I'd feel bad. If I flipped oxycontin I'd feel bad. Hell, I DID feel bad about selling cigars, nasty things that they are.

In spite of a felony conviction for growing, I've never felt badly about what I'm doing to my friends, patients or society at large.

You all keep up the good work, too.
No whats pathetic is you bumping your post count up a 100 points a day.Go find some other area of the forum to troll and or spam.You enjoy your LP poisioned shit they call medicine.We'll wait for the "real" organic medicine from our gardens.
Thank you very much...well said. He's only 13 ya know.