RC/Mescaline Question.


Active Member
why not just try mescaline? or have you tried mescaline and just want something similar?
Psychedelics have a bad reputation round here, loads of stupid stories of people going crazy. typical stuff. So mescaline is fucking unheard of hahah


Well-Known Member
yeah but there are mescaline containing cacti that are legal, you can just order your own cacti, and extract your self.

San pedro's / Echinopsis pachanoi,
Trichocereus Bridgesii, peruvian torches / Echinopsis peruviana ..


Active Member
yeah but there are mescaline containing cacti that are legal, you can just order your own cacti, and extract your self.

San pedro's / Echinopsis pachanoi,
Trichocereus Bridgesii, peruvian torches / Echinopsis peruviana ..
Yeah i know but i don't really agree with buying a mature cactus and extract as it takes years of effort and isn't worth it in my eyes. And i dont have 10 years to grow a cactus hahaha :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know but i don't really agree with buying a mature cactus and extract as it takes years of effort and isn't worth it in my eyes. And i dont have 10 years to grow a cactus hahaha :)
these cacti do not take long to grow, about a foot a year, this is not peyote my friend. you can order 4, 12 inch long cacti right off ebay, already grown out, plant one and make around two - three doses with the rest. and these are not endangered like peyote, there abundant and used as decoration in many yards across the south west in america.


Active Member
these cacti do not take long to grow, about a foot a year, this is not peyote my friend. you can order 4, 12 inch long cacti right off ebay, already grown out, plant one and make around two - three doses with the rest. and these are not endangered like peyote, there abundant and used as decoration in many yards across the south west in america.
yeah thats that san pedro, i was looking at a few but the site didnt seem legit. they had some pretty cheap MHRB on there do but i didnt bother.


Well-Known Member
yeah i've read those methods and they're pretty extensive, using lots of dangerous chemicals and such. my advice is to do lsd, i've done mescaline before, it lasted 6 hours but took 3 hrs to kick in. nice visuals and such but that's it. lsd is cheaper and waaaaaaay better. just make sure you know and trust who your getting it from. and make sure they've tested out the batch


Well-Known Member
The most dangerous part is the xyleen, and even that is not carcinogenic. You could simply boil a tea too...use citric acid from the bakeing section or the juice of a lime to acidify your water.


Well-Known Member
Research TMA-2.. Seems very interesting and someting I'd love to try.

BUT do yourself a favour and experience the reall deal yourself. Meet Grandfather. He loves you :D Seriously though, get some cactus and make some tea. Whowever says LSD is waaaay better needs more Mescaline. It's an entirely different animal. Uncomparable imo. It's a very earthen experience..very organic..and naturalistic. You're socks will be knocked clean off. You'll absolutley fall in love. Give it a go!

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Mescaline doesn't yield the same notable mind-fuckery that mushrooms and LSD can come with.

Good mescaline is clean but takes weeks to comes up on!! :D:D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
OP have a look at this

This would be your closest (kinda) RC substitute ....
BUT IF you listen to The Canadian Connection and most certainly D3VL ....
They point YOU in the right direction !
As, real deal .... IS real deal ... always.
AS, There ARE NO RC 'Substitutes' ...
Lots of Experimental Chemicals tho .... and that is super exciting !



Well-Known Member
I'm going to jump on the get yourself some cactii bandwagon. Because mescaline is wonderful and I've yet to find something close to it. And it is well worth doing at least once.
As far as extractions, getting mesc out is easy, getting pure mesc out is beyond what the average person can do. You need chromatography to separate it. But the impurities are inactive and nontoxic (it's stuff like N-methylmescaline, and N,N-dimethylmescaline). If you have any questions about the extraction process feel free to ask.


Well-Known Member
yeah i've read those methods and they're pretty extensive, using lots of dangerous chemicals and such. my advice is to do lsd, i've done mescaline before, it lasted 6 hours but took 3 hrs to kick in. nice visuals and such but that's it. lsd is cheaper and waaaaaaay better. just make sure you know and trust who your getting it from. and make sure they've tested out the batch

come on. the chemicals are no more dangerous than a little drain cleaner and some ligher fluid. A little care, a little protection and you are find, even if you screw it up as long as you don't drink the stuff you are fine. I can't speak to your experience with the stuff but I find it to be a whole day of heaven with a little stomach trouble early on. The best things in life are the ones that come at some expense in one way or another. I can't understand why people are so frightened of chemicals.


Well-Known Member
Cacti is the next on the list!

I just keep hearing great things about mescaline. I`m thinking now, ENOUGH SAID!!

I hope my friend hasn`t placed his order yet :)

I`m probs going with tea but I`d say everyone twiddling around with psychedelics should take a step into chemistry. Its neither hard nor dangerous!