Rawr Mwootens 2012 outdoor! (2nd gen , first thread disappeared)


Well-Known Member
And the ladys are in the ground. I had my big kgdp get broken .. My dog knocked her out of my hand last night. New pics in the am


Well-Known Member
thanks guys! I try :)~ soon I'll have the rest of my veggies planted and it'll be simple weeding for a bit. I had one of my Kgdp get raped by my german shep she knocked it out of my hand when i was transporting them into my garage so its gonna be trimmed out and put into a pot. I'm gonna get a fresh clone from harborside on monday and I guess it'll make a nice control plant. Indoor veg vs. clone straight to dirt.


Well-Known Member
naw, I stood it up and staked it up it was slowly dieng off. I ened up cutting it off at the break/bend and and am just gonna plant it in a big pot and grow a shrubbery lol.

this was supposed to be her hole :( poor thing.

all my holes look shitty lol the dusty dirt covers the top but I assure you all its nice fine soil underneath :)


Well-Known Member
We'll I got my bug zapper installed today so hopefully it does what I want it to do. pics tomorrow of the zapper and of the garden.


Well-Known Member
hey man does the dry ice raise the humidity alot ive been looking to get some but i dont want my humidity to go way up...looking good btw


Well-Known Member
I think the dry ice and water would pull moisture out of the air as its cold and causes condensation. Wipe up water and there's that much less water in the air ^,^