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Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I love twista that's a great cd but IDK adrenaline rush still my favorite love all his stuff even the new stuff.



Well-Known Member
Ive re purchased AR 5-6x. Its all digi now. its def top 5 of my all times. i wanna smash somethin now!

The newer stuff is soso. AR 2007 he was on some chopped and screwed shit. The newest one hes on some Autotunes shit. I wish he would stick to the OG recipe.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Yeah I have had that CD a few times myself before the digital rev and he was the one rapper who inspires me the most to write lyrics.

this is pretty new it's sick. Ive never been unhappy with CDs Ive bought kamikaze and this one.
