Well-Known Member
there are different types of metal...and the older folks dont get the newer...faster...heavier stuff that is out there.hince why they post things like sabbath and maiden..but metal is metal.i admit to not liking a lot of the more brutal stuff when it started coming out...but lately a lot of new bands have came out that kick ass...some sound like drunken pigs given a mic...but some is good.some a attempt to keep their youth...will preach that the older metal is all that there is worth listening to..which isnt true...but all these new metal bands need to remember where it all started...sabbath,maiden,motorhead,exodus...but some of the new metal bands are facing the same fate as slayer did when they came out...its too fast..too evil blah blah takes time for new styles of music to be accepted.the people that diss newer more brutal metal...are the same group of twats that hated metallica because they cut their hair.if your judging a band by how they sing..or their hair...take your ass to an easy listening station...cause your missing the whole point