Rate the last movie you watched 1-10

I thought the story line for Avatar sucked balls. More than usual! No joke, it was a complete copy of Dances with Wolves. White man gets involved with native girl, native girls tribe doesn't accept white man, white man does something to earn native girls tribes honor, native girls tribe likes white man, white man proves his honor by fighting against white tribe, white man is now accepted as native tribe member..

The visuals were amazing, all credit to the VEFX studio, but with a shoddy story, the best effects fall short.. The acting was even pretty good, cinematography too! The story was absolute shit though! Even the villain was shit! Idk, I thought they could have done so much more with that movie, especially given it took place on another planet [moon]... It felt to me like they just took the script from DWW, coated it in eye candy (3D and visual effects), changed native Americans to aliens and called it a day..

Dont forget that story is even older, pocahontas anyone?
The Life of Pi. 10 billion twinkling starry stars. One of my top Ten, maybe even top Five.
Then again, the book was amazing, too.
Avatar just didn't do it for me.

Skyfall was actually good. I enjoyed the bad guy and storyline. However the opening scene with M and that old british dude is some of the worst acting I'd seen in awhile. If you can get past one or two bad directed scenes the movie starts to play out imo.
Never seen or read dances with wolves sadly, recommended? Not sure ill like it now that i know the plot, it seems so rehashed and predictable too...
I watched Life of Pi last night. Definitely a 10. Definitely a top 10 all time best films for me.
The storyline was much deeper than that.
I thought the story line for Avatar sucked balls. More than usual! No joke, it was a complete copy of Dances with Wolves. White man gets involved with native girl, native girls tribe doesn't accept white man, white man does something to earn native girls tribes honor, native girls tribe likes white man, white man proves his honor by fighting against white tribe, white man is now accepted as native tribe member..

The visuals were amazing, all credit to the VEFX studio, but with a shoddy story, the best effects fall short.. The acting was even pretty good, cinematography too! The story was absolute shit though! Even the villain was shit! Idk, I thought they could have done so much more with that movie, especially given it took place on another planet [moon]... It felt to me like they just took the script from DWW, coated it in eye candy (3D and visual effects), changed native Americans to aliens and called it a day..