Rate the last movie you watched 1-10

Watched it last night.. Right after looper. Looper was another 0... Skyfall was a good 8.. That's saying alot since I hate the dude that plays Bond

Looper was that bad?! Honestly, a 0? A 0 for me is like, off the charts bad, terrible! Shit that makes me feel stolen from.. I heard it was pretty good with a pretty good plot and interesting timeline scenario, what did you think was so bad about it? I saw a few pictures of JGL's prosthetics and they looked like Willis' jaw line completely, they did a great job on that!

Die hard four in the theater 1 outta 10, worst movie evaar, so predictable. The other day i watched avatar 9 outta 10 for sure. :):):)

That movie looked like SHIT!

Avatar, that's a 10 for me

I'd give it a 9 in visual effects, a 1 in story.. I didn't like the story the first time I heard it in Dances with Wolves.

Looper was that bad?! Honestly, a 0? A 0 for me is like, off the charts bad, terrible! Shit that makes me feel stolen from.. I heard it was pretty good with a pretty good plot and interesting timeline scenario, what did you think was so bad about it? I saw a few pictures of JGL's prosthetics and they looked like Willis' jaw line completely, they did a great job on that!

Looper a 0? lol..... that movie is great.

Great my ass LOL! The fucks your problem? How could they even get the money to make that shit film? You will reach a point in this movie where you don't give a damn who gets killed, who does what to whom, and maybe do as I did, "Walk out before the end!" Thats how utterly boring this movie is.You never know where you are in the time travel continuum, you never know who is good or bad, you never know anything. It's so stupid and I love a good Sci-Fi. The actors are good I loved Hostage and Joseph Gorden for John Blake on the dark knight rises? Killer cool. The story LINE is great as well... It's just.. Rian Johnson Fucked it up.. I'm sorry
Skyfall maybe a 5. Problem was I decided to shell out and watch it in IMax. What the money grubbing jerks don't tell you is that they are now digitally transferring regularly filmed movies to IMax format and it does NOT translate. So for me Skyfall was a shitty, fuzzy mess. If you don't see the film was filmed using IMax cameras pass on watching the movie in IMax sheesh I should have known better.

Anyway I really dislike Daniel Craig's new Bond. He's a good actor but I grew up watching the original Bond's. They were so smooth and so self-assured. They had every angle under their control. We needed that. It gave you a deep sense of security to believe that. The new Bond who is 'human' I don't care for. I don't NEED more shitty reality. I have enough in my own world thank you.

Here's the other's I've seen recently:
The Hobbit solid 8 not quite up to the Trilogy but not bad.
OZ The Great and Powerful 5.5-6 James Franco just couldn't make you believe like Frank Morgan and Mila Kunis as a hot young wicked witch, puhleeze :( Margaret Hamilton has to be rolling in her grave. The flying monkeys turned into what looked like Baboons and there was to much 3D fanciness that did not add to the plotline. I wanted more flying monkeys :(

I'm trying to get out to the movies again and I'm dithering between Dark Skies (is that a follow up to the TV Series??) and Escape from Planet Earth anyone seen those?
Oz The Great and Powerful. I would give it a 7-8. The movie was great, story was well done. It just seemed like they tried to make it for all ages which gave it a children's movie feel. Not as dark as I hoped it would be. The original Wizard of Oz is still the better of the two hands down.
Ok, I seen the last episode of twilight about 2-3 months ago? Anyways I'd rate that an high 8. not a twilight fan at all, lol, but I took my kids to watch it.

And what are you talking about padawan my dude, the story line for avatar was pretty good. Other than the fact it's cartoonish lol
Ok, I seen the last episode of twilight about 2-3 months ago? Anyways I'd rate that an high 8. not a twilight fan at all, lol, but I took my kids to watch it.

And what are you talking about padawan my dude, the story line for avatar was pretty good. Other than the fact it's cartoonish lol

Avatar is an amazing movie. 10 for sure. I cant wait till the sequel comes out in .. well wasn't it in quite a while?

Edit: Yea in 2015...
man with the iron fists. 2. didnt even finish it, action sucked, story sucked, but rza and Russel crow are funny to watch.
Ok, I seen the last episode of twilight about 2-3 months ago? Anyways I'd rate that an high 8. not a twilight fan at all, lol, but I took my kids to watch it.

And what are you talking about padawan my dude, the story line for avatar was pretty good. Other than the fact it's cartoonish lol

I thought the story line for Avatar sucked balls. More than usual! No joke, it was a complete copy of Dances with Wolves. White man gets involved with native girl, native girls tribe doesn't accept white man, white man does something to earn native girls tribes honor, native girls tribe likes white man, white man proves his honor by fighting against white tribe, white man is now accepted as native tribe member..

The visuals were amazing, all credit to the VEFX studio, but with a shoddy story, the best effects fall short.. The acting was even pretty good, cinematography too! The story was absolute shit though! Even the villain was shit! Idk, I thought they could have done so much more with that movie, especially given it took place on another planet [moon]... It felt to me like they just took the script from DWW, coated it in eye candy (3D and visual effects), changed native Americans to aliens and called it a day..