Rate my set up and new grower question.


I have a couple of pictures attached to this. Im using 2x2x4 and my average temp in this is 83 and max gets up to 88 f and for AH its like 50 to 56%
The plant in there is 4 days after germinating it for 3 days in a paper towel. should it be a little bigger? should I be worried about the little curled leaf?
Also, I got some mammoth p and not sure if I add it to my compost tea to water later or add it to the spray that I'm watering this little one with.
Thanks for the help :)


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Well-Known Member

Oatboi the seedling looks healthy, nothing to worry about. The curled under leaves are the cotyledons, they do that sometime.

I see that you have a fan in the air duct, is that for inflow or outflow?



Active Member
The best you can do is to have the right temps, proper light distance in every stage of the plant, watering when it is thirsty don't overwater it and most important stop worrying about your plant it knows what to do.



Oatboi the seedling looks healthy, nothing to worry about. The curled under leaves are the cotyledons, they do that sometime.

I see that you have a fan in the air duct, is that for inflow or outflow?

Thanks! I have two of those fans for inflow and the inline one for outflow. I'm worried that during flowering my temps gonna go way up from the second light tho.


The best you can do is to have the right temps, proper light distance in every stage of the plant, watering when it is thirsty don't overwater it and most important stop worrying about your plant it knows what to do.
Thanks! will do. :) I just got a little worried since it didn't look like other peoples at day 4( first time so I started overthinking it)