Rate my First Grow!!


Undercover Mod
The only thing that misting does is help your fan leaves droop. Which idk why it would be a positive. It kinds fucks with the evaporation with all the leaves covered in water. I believe the negative out weighs any positives if there are any?

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Well,I still dont think its worth it, humidity isnt a real big deal, if your humidity was super low i might see where you could justify it, but even then a much better idea is to add a saucer of water or 2 to the grow area..... but its your choice, I can only show you the path, i cant walk it for you-best of luck.

I'm also an anti-mister. Only bad things usually come from it, especially someone who is on their first grow. Beware of PM.

But anyway all looks really good, keep it up.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
The only thing that misting does is help your fan leaves droop. Which idk why it would be a positive. It kinds fucks with the evaporation with all the leaves covered in water. I believe the negative out weighs any positives if there are any?
I would suggest letting a bucket of water evaporate really. I agree.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
If low RH is a concern I just break out the humidifier. usually in the winter months when the air is real dry here, the rest of the year I do all I can to keep it in check.


Active Member
i dont really mist the plants. i mist the room. i have blankets covering the windows by the light. i can spray the blankets all over and it helps keep the humidity at 50 percent. i do spray plants sometimes but i never soak them either way and there is always a fan running at high speeds. i do not plan to do this during flower either. i mainly just spray the room.
what are the obvious reasons that you wouldn't dare mist during flowering?

I ask because I mist using seltzer water (carbonated water with no other additives) to give the girls a little extra CO2. I got the idea from a youtube video.


Undercover Mod
Because extra moisture always increases risk of mold developing in the bud. Is that god enough to make you stop?


Undercover Mod
Because extra moisture always increases risk of mold developing in the bud. Is that good enough to make you stop?


Well-Known Member
what are the obvious reasons that you wouldn't dare mist during flowering?

I ask because I mist using seltzer water (carbonated water with no other additives) to give the girls a little extra CO2. I got the idea from a youtube video.
Sorry, Thegreenman(im assuming his video is what youve seen) is usually dead on but It does absolutely nothing for your plants, total myth my friend:peace:. ask any of the other experienced growers and they will confirm it. It sounds good and all but its not true.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Sorry, Thegreenman(im assuming his video is what youve seen) is usually dead on but It does absolutely nothing for your plants, total myth my friend:peace:. ask any of the other experienced growers and they will confirm it. It sounds good and all but its not true.
Ya i cant see a way that the co2 in the bubbles would actually make a perceivable difference.


Undercover Mod
Report back to us when the mold develops in the buds and destorys your crop. It is seriously a bad idea. You should stop. NOW!